
ON SITE r e v i e w 36: our material future winter 2020

call for articles on site review 37 lines borders walls contagion

On Site review is published by Field Notes Press, which promotes field work in matters architectural, cultural and spatial.


The here and thereness of things

edges division defence

demarcation membranes rupture


For any and all inquiries, please use the contact form at www.onsitereview.ca/contact-onsite Canada Post agreement 40042630 ISSN 1481-8280 copyright: On Site review. All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise stored in a retrieval system without the prior consent of the publisher is an infringement of Copyright Law Chapter C-30, RSC1988. back issues: https://issuu.com/onsitereview/docs editor: Stephanie White design: Black Dog Running printer: Emerson Clarke Printing, Calgary distribution: online: onsitereview.ca print: onsitereview.ca/contact-us

hedges fences

gates rivers floods

difference apartheid [mé]tissage greenbelts freeways crossings


The Green Line Sometimes doing something poetic can become political and sometimes doing something political can become poetic. Jerusalem, June 2004 Video in collaboration with Philippe Bellaiche, Rachel Leah Jones, and Julien Devaux 17:34 min

Proposals due September 1, 2020 Mention how your proposal relates to the theme of this issue (above). Outline possible length, kinds of illustrations: images, maps, drawings, videos. Remember, we are a journal about architecture, landscape, infrastructure, urban design, all as conducted on site.

©©Francis Alÿs

This project appeared in On Site review 30: ethics and publics , guest edited by Thomas-Bernard Kenniff

Send to www.onsitereview.ca/contact-us

Finished articles due October 15, 2020 Images: 300dpi, at least 2000pixels wide, copyright clearance secured if not your own work. Length: 500 - 5000 words

we didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us


on site review 36: our material future

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