Bulletin 27.01.23

Senior School

Mother Courage and Her Children

Year 7, 8 and 9 are busy preparing for 'Mother Courage' which is the first school play of the year following the Christmas musical, 'Into the Woods'. The playwright, Bertholt Brecht, has a reputation for being rather serious and political, but his plays are actually full of very topical satire, so 'Mother Courage' has a very entertaining combination of comic episodes and serious underlying messages. Our cast of nearly 30 students are immersed in the Brechtian style of performing, which was last seen in our 'Animal Farm', to create a thought - provoking and lively show that will demonstrate how live theatre can be both educational and entertaining. Rebecca Barter's comment (Rebecca plays Mother Courage, the Chaplain and Kattrin): 'Mother Courage' is an excellent play written by the German dramatist Bertholt Brecht. It is a piece of political theatre that conveys messages about the destructiveness of warfare that are still relevant today. In our production we are using multi - role playing, which means that each actor is playing several different characters, and each character is played by several different actors. This is part of the "Verfremdungseffekt" which Brecht invented to always remind the audience it is watching a play and not reality. One challenge is to make sure the audience knows which character is in a scene, based on their mannerisms and accent. It's fun to try these different acting styles. Mother Courage will be showing in the Queen's Hall on Wednesday 8th February and Friday 10 February. To book your tickets click here.

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