Bulletin 27.01.23

Nursery Round - up Nursery News From Mrs Donna Kershaw - Highgrove Nursery Manager

The children in Puddleducks have had lots of sensory experiences this week. Our celebration of Lunar New Year provided the children the opportunity to taste our sweet and sour pork meal, which was very much enjoyed! The Lunar New Year topic table was full of noodles and chopsticks, children were able to test their skills moving the noodles from bowl to bowl. Chinese music was playing throughout the day and there were lots of opportunities to watch celebration firework displays as well as Chinese festival parades.

The focus book this week has been ‘ Goldilocks and the Three Bears ’ where the children have been developing their understanding of sizes and quantities. Lot of fun was had when they made their own porridge in the large, medium and small bowls. During the weekly cooking sessions this week, Tiggywinkles made flapjack for tea, which they thoroughly enjoyed, and Puddleducks made their own bread rolls which they ate along with their soup for tea on Wednesday. The Tiggywinkles children have been exploring the ice further this week by blowing bubbles onto the ice that froze in the sensory tray, to see if the bubbles froze when they fell onto it.

Cottontails have also been very busy creating some lovely pictures to celebrate Lunar New Year. They also enjoyed playing with boxes in the role play area as well as lots of opportunities for exploration during the messy play sessions.

Nursery School News From Miss Lizzie Hayes - Head of Nursery School

The Nursery School children are enjoying this term's topic on storytelling with a variety of activities based on the Three Little Pigs. During their group times they have been working on developing and extending their storytelling skills and making predictions on what might happen next in the story. This was followed by observational paintings of pigs where they were encouraged to think about placement of parts of a pig's body and looking at colour mixing. Junk box modelling opportunities have given them the opportunity to work in 3 Dimensional form. Forest School took the story outside where the children searched for suitable resources to create the three types of houses that the pigs built and puppets were used to act out the story.

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