4. Basis Of Sale 4.1
for a participant with concerns over an alleged breach of the Code to obtain free, initial and independent legal advice from a Panel Lawyer as to any criminal, civil and regulatory remedies for breach of the Code and for the purpose of enabling the Code to be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains current, robust and fit for purpose. each Lot, up to and including the Sale. This includes any liability to Goffs and/or their parties. Vendors are required to ensure they have carried out appropriate risk assessments, that each Lot is appropriately handled and remains under their control, and that they have appropriate public liability insurance in place, with a limit of indemnity no less than £5,000,000 for any one claim. Goffs holds no liability to third parties as a result of injury from any Lot and this solely rests with the Vendor. Vendors as a Sales Levy on behalf of the Thoroughbred Breeders Association, who will be notified of the Vendors name and address unless the Vendor notifies Goffs in writing within 28 days of the last day of the Sale that they are unwilling to contribute. 3.17 W here the Vendor is registered 3.15 T he Vendor is responsible for 3.16 G offs will deduct 0.75% from the sales proceeds of British
contractual term, description or representation made by Goffs. With the exception of horses sold at offsite sales, if required by a Purchaser, such Lot shall be subject to re-examination by a member of The Panel, providing the Purchaser has notified the Sales Office within 60 minutes of purchase that a re-examination is required. (i) T he examination will not include any radiological or other specialized techniques. (ii) It will not be concerned with the accuracy of any other statement concerning any particular Lot whether contained in the catalogue or in any veterinary certificate, save that it shall take into account any qualification contained in a veterinary certificate produced. Where a veterinary certificate accompanies the Lot, the sale may be cancelled at the discretion of the Purchaser, only in the event of a difference of opinion between the Panel and the Veterinary Certificate, provided notice of cancellation is made by the Purchaser to Goffs no later than 1 hour after the Purchaser was notified by Goffs of the Panel’s decision. (c) W ith a Pre-Sale Veterinary Certificate, (subject to pre-sale examination by The Panel at Goffs) to which the following conditions shall apply: (i) T he Lot shall be re-examined prior to the Sale by The Panel
Conditions of Sale by the Vendor or in relation to the sale of the Lot or by reason of any cancellation of a sale pursuant to these Conditions of Sale. 3.13 T he Vendor acknowledges that Goffs may disclose any personal data included in the sales entry form (including the identity and ownership interest of the person(s) stated on the sales entry form to be the Owner(s) of the Lot and the Vendor's identity and ownership interest, as applicable) to any person in connection with the Sale at Goffs absolute discretion (including by publishing the personal data included on the sales entry form in the Register of Ownership which will be available for anyone to inspect in the Sales Office on the day of the Sale). Where the Vendor provides information about the Owner(s) on the sales entry form, the Vendor confirms that they are permitted to do so in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Vendor has made the Owner(s) aware that Goffs may disclose the information in accordance with this Condition 3.13 and the Goffs privacy policy which can be found at https://www.goffs.com/ privacy-policy. to deduct from the Sale Price of each and every lot sold the sum of £3 to be paid to the Bloodstock Industry Forum for the purpose of providing a facility 3.14 T he Vendor authorises Goffs
T here is no term implied in any sale that any Lot is of
merchantable quality or is fit for training or any particular purpose. Any term, condition or warranty that might be incorporated into or apply to these Conditions of Sale are excluded to the maximum extent permissible by applicable law. It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to ensure that they are satisfied with the condition of any Lot before bidding. Additionally, a Purchaser must make their own enquiries and exercise their own judgement as to the value of a Lot. A Lot may be offered for sale in one or more of the following ways: (a) A s it stands (without Veterinary Certificate) subject always to paragraph 4.2 below. (b) S ubject to post-sale
Examination/Re-Examination by The Panel whether the Lot was sold with or without a formal veterinary certificate signed by an independent veterinary surgeon (not the Owner, Trainer and/or Vendor). Where a veterinary certificate accompanies the Lot, it must be dated within 14 days of the Sale, lodged in the Sales Office and read out by Goffs at the time of Sale. In no circumstances shall the contents of any veterinary certificate constitute a warranty condition or other
for VAT, the Vendor agrees to enter into a self-billing arrangement with Goffs.
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