Bright Star Care - August 2018

Kick the screen habit. You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: Looking at an electronic screen — a TV, computer, tablet, or smartphone — before bed is detrimental to sleep quality. Light

‘Serenity Now!’

from these devices is disruptive to your brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which helps regulate your circadian rhythm, and screen time before bed can throw off normal SCN function.


Put your excuses for staying up too late to bed. Say no to “one more

episode.” And all those emails? They can wait until tomorrow. Not getting enough quality sleep is harmful to your

If you’ve ever seen Seinfeld, the words “Serenity now!” might ring a bell to you. As a quick refresher, Frank Costanza has a repetitive phrase he yells to the heavens to deal with stressful situations: “Serenity now!” He learned the phrase from a relaxation cassette given to him by his doctor. The episode displays many situations where significant characters adopt the phrase to deal with their stress, only to learn that all they are doing is bottling it up until — boom! — it finally boils over. So, if "serenity now" doesn’t work, what does? Well, here are three tactics you can use to manage stress on a daily basis.

mental and physical health. When you get into the habit of following these three tips, you’ll find yourself feeling rested and refreshed in no time.


BREATHE It may sound like a no-brainer, but the simplest of processes can become complicated when you're in stressful situations. Managing your breathing is a great example. The faster your heart beats, the more your breathing keeps up with it. By taking deep, even breaths, you can begin to slow your heart rate. Start by merely recognizing your breath filling your lungs. From there, take deep breaths and try to make your inhalations equal to your exhalations. Repeat this for 10 consecutive breaths. THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT That’s right. Apple has a favorite app of the year, and it’s none other than Calm, a stress management app. With over 14 million downloads, people are finding peace in morning and evening meditation. If you struggle with anxiety or continuously feel on edge, take a few days to try the app and see if it works for you. DETACH It sounds simple in theory, but it’s harder in practice. Regardless, an essential way to manage stress is to take time away from your burdens. The more you attempt to lower your head and plow through problems, the less perspective you gain on how to solve them. By detaching from your issues for a period and then revisiting them at a later time, you may find easier and more complete solutions.

Inspired by Delicious magazine If you need an easy, healthy side dish with plenty of flavor, this green bean salad will be the perfect addition to your summer menu.


1 small red onion, finely chopped Small bunch of fresh mint Small bunch of flat- leaf parsley Salt and pepper, to taste

3 cups green beans, ends trimmed 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar 1 tablespoon olive oil

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2 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted


“Serenity now. Insanity later,” were the words of Lloyd Braun when he explained Frank Costanza’s new method wouldn’t work. If you’re looking for tangible strategies to deploy in your life, start with these three.

1. Bring a large saucepan of water to boil; cook green beans for 4–5 minutes; drain well. 2. In a blender, mix finely chopped mint and parsley with olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Blend until combined. 3. Add dressing, onion, and sesame seeds to beans. Toss together. Cool dish, then refrigerate until ready to serve.

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