Wood Book NA


Armadillo LA Showroom

Collections 14 Colossal Immense dimensions with these super-long and super-wide boards. 28 Handgrade Premier High-quality large format planks in a stunning selection of new finishes and species. 26 The Italian Collection Stunning shades in more narrow planks, with matching herringbone and chevron. 38 Venture Plank Our flagship collection of high-quality planks with our thickest top layer.

64 Henley

Textured surfaces created by a variety of processes for beautiful visual effect.

74 V Collection 84 Pureplank 98 Gold Leaf

Exceptional value in our most cost-effective design conscious styles.

A vibrant collection of sustainable click- system products.

Beautiful unfinished and prefinished solid construction wood flooring.


Visit our New York Showroom or book a Virtual Consultation today

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