Our formal commitment Reconciliation Action Plan
From celebrating National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week events around Australia, to embedding the Centre for Cultural Competence Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Competence Course as part of our mandatory training and development plan, our staff have embraced the opportunities provided to participate in a range of initiatives to increase cultural competency as individuals and as an organisation. Throughout the year, we made the time to deepen our understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of this land and recognise the impact of dispossession, persecution and oppression resulting from colonisation in Australia. Led by our RAP committee, a group of passionate employees from across the country, we have taken time to lay the foundations for future RAPs and reconciliation initiatives by scoping and developing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and exploring our sphere of influence. The RAP committee has worked to deliver actions aligned to the Reflect RAP framework of relationships, respect and opportunities across the organisation. These actions include developing Housing Choices Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocols, identifying and increasing understanding of the Traditional Owners where our business operates, developing business cases to increase procurement from Aboriginal owned organisations and identifying where we can increase employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our organisation.
Being part of the RAP program has enriched Housing Choices. It has led to new relationships with Aboriginal organisations and deepened existing relationships. It has pushed us to think about how our actions contribute to reconciliation and it has made our organisation more inclusive, more meaningful, and more impactful. “I respect everyone’s culture and history. Change can only come from listening to each other’s voices. To come to a place where I work that respects my culture, where I know there is a strong voice and commitment to a journey of reconciliation and healing together, builds trust that we are on the same path of walkabout.” Karen, Housing Officer, Tasmania. Housing Choices believes that to achieve a truly reconciled and inclusive Australia, a real and enduring commitment is needed to improve opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This applies at societal, organisational and personal levels. Housing Choices may have only just begun its formal journey towards reconciliation, but it is one that we are committed to walking together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for a better future through our shared commitment to Voice, Truth and Treaty.
Reconciliation is about building relationships, respect and trust between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the broader Australian community. Housing Choices received formal endorsement of our inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) from Reconciliation Australia in September 2021. With this, we joined a network of more than 1,100 corporate, government and not-for-profit organisations that have made a formal commitment to reconciliation through the RAP program. In our inaugural year as a member of the RAP network we committed and delivered actions to increase our knowledge; learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ culture, belief systems, truth telling and acknowledgement.
Artwork Left: Resting Shields by Sydney Phillips (WA) was feature artwork used on the cover of the Housing Choices Cultural Protocols document and to support National Reconciliation Week initiatives. Pictured Left: A smoking ceremony, performed by Uncle Ron “Ringo” Terrick was held at the Melbourne office as part of National Reconciliation week celebrations.
2021-22 annual report
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