should extend at least 18-24 inches on all visible sides. Alternatively, runners or smaller rugs can frame the bed for a cozier feel.


In entryways, the rug should be large enough to accommodate the door opening without obstruction. In hallways, runners should leave a few inches of exposed flooring on all sides for a balanced appearance.

How to Choose the Right Area Rug Size By Alana Lauren


•Measure First: Always measure your room and furniture placement before purchasing a rug. • Shape Matters: Consider the room’s shape and furniture layout. A rectangular rug suits most spaces, but round or oval rugs work well in unique setups.

S electing the perfect area rug size is crucial for enhancing a room’s aesthetics and functionality. A well- chosen rug anchors your furniture, defines the space, and ties the room together. Here’s a guide to help you make the right choice: LIVING ROOM The size of your rug should complement your seating arrangement. For larger living rooms, a rug that fits all furniture legs creates a cohesive

legs of furniture on it defines the space without overwhelming it. Leave 12-18 inches of floor space around the rug for a balanced appearance. DINING ROOM A dining room rug should extend at least 24 inches beyond the table on all sides to accommodate chairs when pulled out. This prevents chairs from

• Proportion is Key: Choose a rug size

that complements the scale of your room and furniture. A too-small rug can make the room feel disconnected, while an oversized rug may overwhelm the space. By selecting the right rug size, you can enhance your home’s comfort and style effortlessly.

wobbling on uneven edges and ensures a seamless look. BEDROOM For bedrooms, a rug placed under the bed

look, while a smaller rug with just the front

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