23small things

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very small boats for On Site 23: small things.

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architecture and migration

call for articles: onsite 24

tools communications portability anchors adaptation climate clothing ritual spatiality ways of living

material traditions home assimilation

tents wagons camps suitcases trunks containers tipis cabins sod huts kit bags

cultural diffusion geography nomadism tenure emigration immigration relocation permanence desire fear

ownership community alienation construction methods

housing dwelling house types

We have various discussions on our website for contributors: the specs, editorial policies, contributors’ contracts and several back issues readable on line so if this issue which you hold in your hands is not enough, you can see how wide ranging On Site is, how graphic it is and roughly how

As always, we trust that a wide range of articles will develop around this theme, but as a reminder, we like construction issues and theory. We like engineering and art. We like drawings and photographs. We like sophisticated architecture and vernacular traditions. We especially like enthusiasm and energy. send ideas (a short note) any time up to July 1 2010 to editor@onsitereview.ca deadline for finished articles:August 15 2010 Final texts should be 800-1000 words, or less. Images must be 300dpi CMYK jpgs at least 2000px wide. Copyright clearance must be obtained, by you, for any images not your own.

we present our articles. www.onsitereview.ca


On Site review 23

Small Things

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