Developing a Rebuilding Plan

use funds from one of these mitigation programs to meet the non-Federal cost share of work funded under the other mitigation program. 9 Regardless of whether a Subrecipient is leaning toward an Improved, Alternate, or Alternative Procedures Project, it is imperative to work closely with the state and FEMA to develop the proper project cap and ensure that your rebuilding plan takes full advantage of the options available. As you can see, during your recovery process you have numerous opportunities as well as decisions to make. Without close coordination with the state and FEMA, however, many of these opportunities can be lost.

cost of the mitigation measure does not exceed 100 percent of the eligible repair cost (prior to any insurance reductions) of the facility or facilities for which the mitigation measure applies. The Recipient or Applicant demonstrates through an acceptable beneft-cost analysis (BCA) methodology that the measure is cost-efective. FEMA’s BCA software provides appropriate BCA methodologies. 8 In addition to providing funding for Section 406 hazard mitigation under the PA Program, FEMA also provides hazard mitigation funding under its Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) (Section 404) programs. The eligibility

criteria, procedures and timelines for implementation of the hazard

mitigation measures funded under the HMA programs difer from the hazard mitigation measures funded under the PA Program.

“… it is important not only for Subrecipients to control the inspection environment, but to also be part of all discussions and decisions regarding their own overall recovery process.”

Section 404 grant funds give states and other eligible Subrecipients the

opportunity to pursue mitigation measures that may have been pending due to lack of means. Eligible projects should ft within the state’s hazard mitigation plan and include “acquisition of hazard-prone property, retroftting existing buildings and facilities, elevation of food-prone structures, and other infrastructure protection measures. FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance provides further details on the HMA programs. Subrecipients may use both 406 and 404 mitigation funds to implement mitigation measures on the same facility, but not for the same work. Subsequently, they cannot



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