A.G. Stacker Hosts (CONT’D FROM PAGE 14)
legiance, SAR Pledge and Guest Recognitions. Captain Ros Poplar, decorated US Navy veteran gave a moving keynote speech titled, Flag Day As Seen By A Veteran, covering the history of the American flag and the trials its defenders have faced for generations. “To put it in perspective, each one of the fifty stars that adorns our flag represents the death of roughly 27,000 American Soldiers, Sailor, Airmen, and Marines that paid for the freedom we enjoy today,” noted Captain Poplar, as tears formed in many attendees’ eyes. He continued with remembrance for the veterans he knew personally that died in combat through his military career or lost their lives during the tragedy of September 11, 2001. Capt. Poplar concluded, “Flag Day for many veterans is a solemn day because every time we see the field of blue and its fifty stars, we can see the faces of our lost
comrades who gave their life for this great nation. That is why every time a veteran sees an American Flag, do not be surprised if there is a tear shed for a former comrade – we will never forget!” Captain Ros Poplar, retired U.S. Navy Veteran, spoke on ‘Flag Day As Seen By A Veteran.’
Following the keynote, Penny Cummiskey of the Massanutten Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution recited the American’s Creed before A.G. Stacker veteran employees hoist- ed the American flag up their newly installed 50-foot flagpole. Pete Johnson of James Madison University sung the National An- them as many attendees stepped out of the tent to salute the star-spangled banner. With over 100 veterans, community leaders, scouts and citizens in attendance, “the rain couldn’t dampen Flag Day in Weyers Cave!” remarked Virginia Senator, Mark D. Obenshain. The event concluded with a boxed lunch and Horn’s homemade ice cream. After the ceremony, A.G. Stacker conducted tours of their facility demonstrating various machining and cobot technologies alongside new digital twin solutions. “We are proud to be an American manu- facturer and it was an honor to host this event alongside our local Sons of the American Rev- olution,” said Joe Wunder, President of A.G. Stacker. “A special thank you to Randy Atkins, Wes Dove, Captain Ros Poplar, Kirk Sheap, David Carpenter and Matthew Phillippi of the Fort Harrison SAR for their assistance in orga- nizing this event. We also want to thank the Scouts from the VA Headwaters Council for doing an excellent job retiring our communi- ty’s flags. A final thank you to the local and national leaders in attendance for their time and support.” To learn more about the Fort Harrison Chapter Sons of the American Revolution, vis- it www.fortharrisonsar.org . For more info on A.G. Stacker, visit www.agstacker.com .
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