VOL. 2, NO. l
19th ANNUAL TORREY CONFERENCE Emphasizing Bible teaching and missionary challenge, the 19th Annual Torrey Memorial Conference is scheduled for January 17th through the 24th at the Bible Institute and ten outstanding southland churches. Pictured you see Professor Oran H. Smith, Conference Director, ex– plaining a few of the many complex details for the work
to BIOLA President Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland. On Sunday afternoon, January 17, the churches ore all cooperating to make possible a television program to open the e ight days of spiritual feasting upon the Word of God. In addition, mony of the speakers will be featured over the Bible Institute Hour during the Conference week. Send for a free descriptive brochure of the program highlights and pictures of the various speakers.
Looi " tor In ~tf.u bs~e...
Tw<> chi replica of Noah's ark they hod received for Christrnos-one that contained all sorts of toy animals. One of the children sug– gested: "We ought to do like Noah when he came out of the ark, and built an altar, to burn an animal as a sacrifice to
thank God." So off they .went to get sticks, paper, and stones; but as they were ready to begin their child-like ceremony, the other declared, "Oh wait, we can't burn these nice animals; let's go get some of those broken ones we've had all year and offer them." And so, there on the altar were little broken, useless animals. This simple illustration reminds me of the verse, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Is it possible that we today, a:; Christians, may be guilty of giving to God what is left over, or our second best? In the matter of time, we usually give to Him the part of the day which is not token up with our own doily routines. Then in stew– ardship, there is a vast difference between a giver and one who sacrifices. Do your offerings to the Lord affect your budget, so that you hove felt a closer share in the ministry of God's Son? Do our very lives reveal sacrifice for Him?
As we begin this new year, many of us need to be challenged anew with the sacrificial 'Cross of Christ, to consider what we ore offering to God ·and hOw much we deny ourselves for His sake. For it could easily be that many of us ore giving Him only the broken and useless things of our lives. It is our prayer at BIOLA, that 1954 may be filled with real joy, power, and a "looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Sincerely yours in Christ, --dd~ BIOLA PRODUCTIONS presents The Bible Institute Hour • • Mutual Don Lee Network
Mon., Wed., Fri.
Accent On Youth .1 •.
Shortwave Around tlle w.,J.:Riih~~1CJB and DZAS
KGER 1390 k.c. ...... KXLA 1110 k.c. ~-···
rd_!!y, 4:30 P.M. day, 7:15 P.M.
• • • • Sponsored by the BIOLA Bookroom Saturday, 7:45 A.M. *
As hundreds of different numerical combinations may be made when dial– ing your tel~phone, so likewise, wit every gift you sen_d to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, whether large or. mall, you receive untold spiritual dividends through the varied important vital ministries carried on at BIOLA every day. Beside enabling the continuance of the Bible Institute Hour, which doily reaches untold unsaved with the Gbspel, your sacrificial offering makes pos– sible the training of our hundreds Christ-dedicated young people in the Bible Institute, BIOLA Bible College, olbot Theological Seminary, School of Missionary Medicine, and. through the vening and Correspondence Schools. An important phase is the distribution of colored evangelistic motion pictures and the challenging photographic issionory reports of Dr. Talbot. Another distinct port of our ministry is ti:!• ugh the consecrated printed page of the King's Business, the magazine dedic ted to the spiritual develop– ment of the Christian home. This year, make :your giving count the most for the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministries of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles ..• truly S IMPORTANT AS TH ~ DIAL ON YOUR TELEPHONE!
PAR-AB LfS -/' Pf-A RLS GEMS ot WISDOM Trouble may drive you to prayer ... but prayer will drive you away from trouble.• You may give without loving ••• but you cannot love with- out giving. ·
leave the
Sign on a church: "Enter without knocking some way."
The Christian an his knees sees more thon the philosopher on his tiptoes.
Report lrom Dr. Talbot (DIRECT TO BROADCASTER READERS) " I have always known of the great island of New Guin'ea, but never·real– ized just how many thousands of people live and die here without hav– ing ever heard the n~me of Christ. My eyes ·have seen;· s 1 ights of _inde– scribable horror and sin, with heath– enish cannibalistic rites which date back hundreds of years. The Lord willing, I will show you several thou– sand feet of this latest missionary venture when I return. Next stop . .. Africa, where Mr. Oran Smith and I will report to you from . various parts of that dark continent. Now, Brethren, pray for me."
NEW FEATURES ADDED FOR 1954 In addition to a con tinu–
ance of those features which were incorporated into the broadcasts last year; 1954 prom– ises to bring more moments of en– joyable, inspiring listening for all. Miss Nancy Woolnough, whom you
see pictured on the right, will begin a series of "m iss:on3ry reports revealing interesting highlights from the time a cand idate is accepted to the moment he arrives on the field. Miss Woolnough, a BIOLA alumnus, is an able journalist, radio writer-producer, and a missionary herself. Another new feature will be the salute to different out stand ing fundamental churches · in cities where the Bible Institute Hour is heard, with local pastors reporting on current spiritual conditions and special musical numbers from the church choirs. . HAVE YOU TOLD YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THE BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR?
What Were You in 1953? x Check the words x An attender or an absenter? A booster or a bucker? A pillar or a sleeper? A supporter or a sponger? A wing or a weight? A soldier or a slacker? A power or a problem? A worker or a worrier? A promoter or a provoker? A lifter or a leaner? A giver or a getter? A friend or a faultfinder? A goer or a gaddeF? A helper or a hinderer? For 1954 ------------------------ WHAT? * * * * A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION I won't look back- God knows the fruitless efforts, The wasted hours, the sinning, the regrets; I leave them all with Him who blots the record, And mercifully forg1ves- and then forgets. I won't look forward, God sees all the future-- The road that, short or long, will lead me home : And He will face with me its every trial, And bear with me the burdens that may come. But I'll look up into the face of Jesus, For there my heart can rest, my fears are stilled, And there is joy and love and light for darkness, And perfe'ct peace, and every hope fulfilled. • * • * • BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT RECEIVE NEW LIFE: "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new" (Z Cor. 5:17). RECEIVE NEW JOY: "He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praises unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord" (Psa. 40:3). RECEIVE NEW HOPE: "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" (Tit. 2:13) . * * A NEW YEAR'S PROMISE Another year I enter, Its history unknown ; Oh, how my feet would tremble To tread its paths alone! But I have heard a whisper; I know I shall be blest; "My presence shall go with thee And I will give thee rest." What will the New Year bring me? I may not, must not know; Will it be love and rapture, Or loneliness and woe? Hush! Hush! I hear His whisper; I surely shall be blest; "My presence shall go with thee And I will give thee rest." If you've rec.eived your new 1954 BIOLA Calen– dar, then you realize the importance of placing them in os many homes as possible. Send today for as many free copies as yo.u can profitably ~se, or let us hove the names and addresses of tbose who should receive the challenging message of its attractive pages. Hurry . . . send TODAY! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• + ••
: .i Throughout the Wea.t ••• fi'
1lr.e ~outlilattd 1 s q'z.eatest Bihle Cottte'z.ettce 19th ANN fl AL TORREY MEMORIAL CONFERENCE January 17-January 24, 1954 Church of the Open Door 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17 First Brethren Church Fifth and Cherry Streets, Long Beach Temple Baptist Church Palm Ave. at California Blvd., Ontario Von Nuys Missionory Church 14339 Hamlin Street, Van Nuys First Baptist Church Pomona & Wilshire Avenues, Fullerton Calvary Church Sixth and French Streets, Santa Ana Chevy Chase Boptist 1209 E. Garfield Ave., Glendale Immanuel Baptist Church Holliston & Washington, Posadena Valley .Baptist Church 2201 W. Alameda Avenue, Burbank Congregotional Church of Christ Emerald at Broadway, Redondo Beoch
' . . :~::.· · ... :;-) ' · .. · ; .;. . ' ,•.. ·.· ... , ,,, " ···
~~BIB~E IN:STf'.FfJ;.TE BOfJR'' Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 A.M•.
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· . 'California .C!ii~~-KXQ(:,,.- 0160 fresno- KYN9...- uo9 Los An!!eles- l(HJ - 930 :, \·' E.! Centro-l(j N~-v~~la Reno- KAT0-1340 Or~g9n Albonr-l<\'fl!,-1240 As~!ol1~ -KWIN- 1... 00 A.··.-.·~·. tiiria··.· . ·- ··l(.· .. Bend - KBl\!D- lU.o . • : A.·• .• ·.·.. s ... • ·.T ..· ..·.. -.. . 1 .. ·~.·.7··.··.o·.·.···.··.. ~rs···v ..m·e.-. ·l< .. •M ..•.. •.•.·.. Y. ·.·.c··.··- .. 1·'4··· ..•·.· .• '·.·.·.o·. •. ,"':.·... .·Ma ... Meu: d-KYOs 14.0 .· -.' Paso Robles-KpRt.-1239 Coo~ ~oy-K'OOs.-12~0 " " So~ra,mento - l((:~A ""'.' 1~20 G~ont$ Pass - l(YIN- 1:340 S Bern~irdino' - KFXM - 590 . R. San Diego- KGB- 1360 San Fr.oncls~o - KFRC - 610 San Luis Ob1Spo- KVEC-920 ~ ... U·J.• 9 ... ·a.s e .•.• ·.-1( .• · .. •·R .•. ··.·.·x·.···.····L.·· .• -. SGlem --·KS.LM- U -90 . Washington 1. 2 ... ·.4. : : . San O·..... :, •.. •. · .. • . · KXR0-1320 Aberdeen - :.,. So11t·.·o··· ··.B.· arbara• .. ·.··••...••••... K •.. •.DB .. ···········.1······.'90 8.4''.··i·i···. " . . 9 Stockton - KXO.B - J280 . , Tulare - KCOl(-1 2.70 Venturo-KVEN-1.,.so ···.....o .•.•.... ·.·m .· ··.-. ·.•.. ··.•K· .. ·· •.· ••.. ·····. "· ••·.•. . u .•.. ·.·.,G. -•..•. ·.·1········' ···."·.··. CentMiia - l(EL~ - 1470 : · ·: Everett - KRKO - 1380 .• , / Longview- KWLK..:.. l4iio · · Ofympio-i ' Wasce>- KWS0-10$0 . . . . Idaho . DON'T MISS "TORREY ON TV" 4:30 P.M., SUN., JANUARY 17TH, CHANNEL 9 : Co~u· .. d.'Alen.e -...•• K .. V. NI -:-... ··.l··.240 Woii·o· ..· ... Wallo·-. ·.•.l( ..••. u ... /-.. i4 .•.·.2 ..· ..• lewl.sto.n-KltLC-1350 We.nllt~he.e - KWNW -1340 o ·: .·· "/ " ' For further information write: The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Wollo~e-KWA.L-620 lQ.··' .!;.··.v :. ';f f Yaklma--KYAK-1400 558 S. Hope St. Los Angeles 17 ~fii '
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