Biola Broadcaster - 1954-01

As hundreds of different numerical combinations may be made when dial– ing your tel~phone, so likewise, wit every gift you sen_d to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, whether large or. mall, you receive untold spiritual dividends through the varied important vital ministries carried on at BIOLA every day. Beside enabling the continuance of the Bible Institute Hour, which doily reaches untold unsaved with the Gbspel, your sacrificial offering makes pos– sible the training of our hundreds Christ-dedicated young people in the Bible Institute, BIOLA Bible College, olbot Theological Seminary, School of Missionary Medicine, and. through the vening and Correspondence Schools. An important phase is the distribution of colored evangelistic motion pictures and the challenging photographic issionory reports of Dr. Talbot. Another distinct port of our ministry is ti:!• ugh the consecrated printed page of the King's Business, the magazine dedic ted to the spiritual develop– ment of the Christian home. This year, make :your giving count the most for the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministries of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles ..• truly S IMPORTANT AS TH ~ DIAL ON YOUR TELEPHONE!

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