Disaster Planning and Preparedness for Maritime Ports

step would be to have backup generators available to make sure the lights stay on and the facility has power, so tenants can continue to operate machinery, etc. Murphy: What would you consider one of the top factors to analyze when preparing a business continuity plan?

equipment or supplies they should have on the sideline, should they be needed, to reduce the severity of an event that might impact its tenants. In addition, have a written plan in place for an event, so that roles and responsibilities are understood before anything occurs. Make sure training is provided to the best of your organization’s ability. Address matters like how and when to deploy generators and pumps. While employees will be stressed during emergency, if they are educated and know what is expected of them — perhaps having gone through simulations of possible incidents — there is a better chance their response will be stronger — and ultimately the severity and impact of the occurrence can be mitigated. Murphy: I am involved in a multitude of BCPs for organizations all around the United States and while there are many pieces to developing a strong plan, communication always seems to be key. As you mentioned, insurance is usually the first layer of defense when it comes to financial recovery and rebuilding. But in a CAT event scenario, if limits are exceeded and the president declares a disaster, then FEMA funding can become available. While we both know that this funding is subject to certain criteria, I believe it’s important that all organizations — specifically public and non-profit — put measures in place to have a better chance at recovering federal funding should they need it and become eligible for it. Gibbs: Having spent time on both the public and private sides, it seems more common that public entities that have not dealt with any type of disaster-related

Gibbs: It is key to understand how your revenue is created. How do you operate as an organization? And what are the threats that could potentially halt your operation? If a company knows that it need tenants to make money, then management needs to know what could potentially cause vacancies. Understanding this will allow an organization to plan for any



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