$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5 r $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : SUMMER DUO RACE PROPOSAL GETS A THUMBS-UP
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
3PDBTLJOHGPSTVQQPSUGPSB%603BDFFWFOU as part of this year’s Ottawa River Festival. Penelope Barrette, representing a dele- gation from the event organizing committee, FYQMBJOFE%60SBDJOHUPDPVODJMEVSJOHJUT February 19 committee of the whole session. .BZPS(VZ%FTKBSEJOTBTLFEUIFDPNNVOJUZ services’ department to review the proposal GPSBSFQPSUBUUIF.BSDIDPNNJUUFFPGUIF whole session. The report recommended the city provide technical support for the proposal and also OPUFEUIBUB%60SBDJOHFWFOUXPVMEàUJO well with the municipal goal of “offering comprehensive activities and services to the city’s citizens.” %60SBDJOHJTBOFXSFDSFBUJPOBMBOE competitive sport where the emphasis is on cooperation and teamwork. One of the members of the two-person team is in a wheelchair and part of the goal PGUIF%60SBDJOHNPWFNFOUJTUPQSPNPUF more opportunities for people with mobility JTTVFTUPFOKPZHPPEIFBMUIUISPVHIQIZTJDBM àUOFTT BOEBDUJWFJOWPMWFNFOUJOUIFJSDPN - munity through recreational and competitive sports. The committee of the whole’s recommen- dation to Clarence-Rockland council, during its next regular session, is to approve com- NVOJUZTFSWJDFTXPSLJOHXJUIUIF%603BDF organizing committee on route planning, and other technical support needed for the event to take place, as part of this July’s Ottawa River Festival schedule of events.
DUO racing could be part of this year’s Ottawa River Festival. Clarence-Rockland’s community services’ department presented a positive report to city council’s committee of the whole ses- TJPO .BSDI POBQSPQPTBMGSPN-HMJTF-F
Penelope Barrette et son groupe ont fait une présentation réussie afin d’obtenir le soutien de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland pour la mise en place de la première course en DUO dans la ville, dans le cadre du Festival de la rivière des Outaouais 2020. La course en DUO est un sport qui implique une équipe de deux personnes travaillant ensemble, dont l’un des membres est en fauteuil roulant. Une partie de l’objectif de ce sport est de promouvoir l’engagement communautaire, la forme physique et les activités sportives récréatives pour les personnes ayant des problèmes de mobilité. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
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DUO racing is a sport that emphasizes cooperation, teamwork, and fun, as each two-person teammakes its way towards the finish line. Clarence-Rockland should see its first DUO Race event this July, as part of the 2020 Ottawa River Festival schedule of events. —archives
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