Determining Eligibility

In the case of debris in a stream: Was all or some of the debris generated by the event? To satisfy FEMA requirements, Subrecipients must show through maintenance records that they normally maintain and keep the stream free of debris. In the absence of such records, there must be photographic evidence that the debris was a result of the event and that the debris was a hazard. Where a building suffered severe roof damage: Were all attempts made to mitigate damage to the interior

via tarps or other coverings? It is the Subrecipient’s responsibility to make every effort to minimize losses. The same would also be the case for a flooded building where it was necessary to pump water and dehumidify the area to minimize mold damage. This does not mean, however, that a Subrecipient needs to undertake measures that are not cost-effective, such as dehumidifying a building that was completely engulfed by floodwaters.



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