59 شواطئ
Shawati’ 59
مليــار درهــم إضافــي لهــذه 22 كمــا ومــن المزمــع تخصيــص مبلــغ الصناعــة علــى مــدى الســنوات الخمــس المقبلــة، مــع حصــة كبــرى لتطويـر المؤسسـات الثقافيـة. وتعمـل دائـرة الثقافـة والسـياحة – أبوظبـي اآلن علـى ضـم جميـع مجاالت الصناعات الثقافية واإلبداعية تحت سقف واحد، تضاف إليها أقسـام حديثة ومتطوّرة مثل األفالم والتلفزيون والوسـائط المتعددة لقطاعاتها الحالية من التراث والحرف والتصميم والنشر والفنـون البصريـة وفنـون األداء. وبذلـك، سـتضمن المنظمـة طاقة موحــدة شــاملة للقطاعــات بيــن المجــاالت الرئيســية للصناعــات الثقافيـة واإلبداعية. ما الخطوات المقبلة؟ سـوف تسـتمر مسـاعي أبوظبـي لكـي تصبـح مركـزا عالميـا للفنـون والثقافة في التبلور من خالل بناء شـراكات تعاون مع مؤسسـات دوليـة مرموقـة مثـل جامعـة كولومبيـا، وكليـة بيركلي للموسـيقى، ومعهــد جيتــي فضــال عــن افتتــاح متاحــف عــدة، منهــا متحــف جوجنهايم أبوظبي ومتحف زايد الوطني على جزيرة السعديات. وأمّــا متحـف زايـد الوطنـي، والـذي مـن المقـرّر أن يكتمـل فـي العام ، فمــن المقــرّر أن يعــرض الجوانــب التاريخيــة والثقافيــة 2022 والتحوّل االجتماعي واالقتصادي لإلمارات. في خطوة مستوحاة مــن إرث الشــيخ زايــد بــن ســلطان آل نهيــان رحمــه هلل وعشــقه للطبيعــة، ومــن تصميــم المهنــدس المعمــاري الحائــز علــى جائــزة بريتزكـر، لـورد نورمـان فوسـتر، سـيكون المتحـف مـن روائـع الفـن المعمـاري وشـاهدا علـى لقـاء التقليـد واالبتـكار. فـي غضـون ذلـك، سـيعرض جوجنهايـم أبوظبـي، المقـرر افتتاحـه ، أهـم اإلنجـازات الفنيـة الدوليـة فـي القرنيـن 2025 اآلن فـي عـام العشـرين والحـادي والعشـرين. ووفقـا لدائـرة الثقافـة والسـياحة– عمـل فني تشـمل 600 أبوظبـي، تضـم مجموعـة المتحـف أكثـر مـن اإلعــالم الفنــي وأجيــاال مــن الفنانيــن وعــددا موسّــعا مــن الــدول
21 st centuries. According to DCT - Abu Dhabi, the museum’s collection will comprise over 600 works spanning artistic media, several generations of artists, and an ever-widening number of countries and regions, including a dedicated focus on the Gulf and West Asia, North Africa, and South Asia. Once completed, the building will cover 42,000 square metres, making it the largest of the four Guggenheim outposts. A new performing arts centre that will house five theatres, a music hall, a concert hall, and an opera house, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, is also under construction on the Saadiyat Island, as is the new Abrahamic Family House, an interfaith complex that will enclose a synagogue, mosque, and church, all designed by Adjaye Associates. Inspired by the visit of Pope Francis to the UAE in 2019, the huge facility will serve as a beacon of religious tolerance, co-existence, and inclusion. These are exciting times for Abu Dhabi’s creative economy, and the future looks even more promising. As Prodaevich noted, the progress that the emirate has made sets an inspiring example. “Not only do art and culture play a vital role in shaping and improving the economy, but also in developing resilience and adaptability in the ever-changing global economic landscape. Of course, there is so much to look forward to in the coming years, but from what I can see, this is just the beginning.” .
Abu Dhabi has been officially designated as a ‘City of Music’ by the UNESCO Creative City Network. © WAM.
Farah Al Qasimi, Still Life With Laptop, 2016. Image courtesy of The Third Line and the artist.
Abu Dhabi plans to invest AED 22 billion over the next five years on culture and creative industries as it seeks to spur economic growth. © DCT - Abu Dhabi.
Abu Dhabi Art Fair 2021. Image courtesy of Abu Dhabi Art.
design, publishing, and visual and performing arts. By doing so, the organisation will ensure consolidated cross-sectorial energy between the key domains of the CCI. WHAT’S NEXT? Abu Dhabi’s quest to become a global hub for arts and culture will continue to take shape through collaborations with prestigious international institutions such as Columbia University, Berklee College of Music, and Getty Institute as well as a multitude of museum openings, including Guggenheim Abu Dhabi and Zayed National Museum located on the Saadiyat Island. Zayed National Museum, due to be completed in 2022, is set to showcase the history, culture, and social and economic transformation of the emirates. Inspired by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s legacy and his love of nature and designed by the Pritzker-Prize-winning architect Lord Norman Foster, the museum will stand as an architectural marvel, serving as a testament to the meeting of tradition and innovation. Meanwhile, the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, now slated to open in 2025, will showcase the most important international artistic achievements of the 20 th and
Louvre Abu Dhabi’s exterior. © Louvre Abu Dhabi / Mohamed Somji.
Visitors can also explore the history of Al Muwaiji from the earliest traces of archaeological evidence and its significance as a family home, a place of rule and a focus for the community. © DCT Abu Dhabi.
‘Bait Al Oud’ is the music institution of the Department of Culture and Tourism, Abu Dhabi which is dedicated to teaching Arabic music. © DCT - Abu Dhabi.
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