Shawati' Magazine Issue 59

59 شواطئ



Shawati’ 59

Sheikh Zayed established the first school in the area, and it was here that Sheikh Khalifa received his early education. Yet his father had always maintained that the best formation and training for political leadership is received in a public majlis or council. Sheikh Khalifa was fortunate to experience two, allowing him to remain close to the tribes, learning their culture and characteristics and acquiring the skills of communication and human management necessary to successful government. The first council was the majlis of his father. Sheikh Zayed took his eldest son on most of his daily visits, instilling the values of responsibility, trust, and devotion to the people, and demonstrating the power of a charismatic personality. At his father’s side, he learnt at close hand the qualities that make a great leader.

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan attending a military parade in Abu Dhabi. © WAM.


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Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan during a meeting with Alain Richard, France’s Minister of Defence and Senior French officials. Also seen here is HE Zaki Nusseibeh. © HE Zaki Nusseibeh.

في الحكم. كان هذا ضروريا لدولة اإلمارات العربية المتحــدة ليــس فقــط للصمــود أمــام سلســلة طويلــة مـن ريـاح األزمـات والصراعـات واالنقسـامات التـي عانــت منهــا المنطقــة، بــل وللبــروز كقــوة ثقافيــة واقتصاديـة ومالية عالمية كبرى. ولــد الشــيخ خليفــة وأمضــى طفولتــه المبكــرة فــي قلعــة المويجعــي فــي العيــن، التــي تــم تجديدهــا مؤخـرا مـن قبـل دائـرة السـياحة والثقافـة. تقـع قلعة المويجعـي مقابـل ديـوان ممثـل الحاكـم الـذي أقامـه عندما طلب منه الشيخ 1946 الشيخ زايد في العام شـخبوط حاكـم اإلمـارة حينهـا تولـي قيـادة المنطقة الشــرقية. وعلــى الرغــم مــن صغــر حجــم قريــة المويجعــي مقارنــة بالقــرى األخــرى فــي مجموعــة الواحـات التـي تهيمـن عليهـا العين والبريمي، إال أنها كانــت مركــز نفــوذ باعتبارهــا مقــرا ألســرة آل نهيــان الحاكمة التي كانت سـلطتها هي األسـمى في جميع أنحـاء المنطقـة الشـرقية مـن أبوظبـي وحتـى داخـل شــرق شــبه الجزيــرة العربيــة. كانــت المنطقــة هــي مصـدر اإلنتـاج الزراعـي الرئيسـي، وموقعـا ذا أهمية اقتصاديـة واسـتراتيجية كبيـرة ألمـن المنطقة. وقد كانـت مأثـرة الشـيخ زايـد الكبـرى هـي قيـادة القبائـل المتنافــرة، وضمــان االســتقرار الداخلــي، وتعزيــز سـلطة الدولـة، وتحقيـق الرخـاء للشـعب باسـتخدام مـوارد ضئيلة للغاية. أنشـأ الشـيخ زايـد أول مدرسـة فـي المنطقـة، وفيهـا تلقـى الشـيخ خليفـة تعليمـه المبكـر. ومـع ذلـك، فقـد

realities. Such leadership will ever evolve, adapting to the shifts in circumstances. It will regenerate as an assertive new leadership that is able to consolidate the achievements of the past whilst making a bold push towards future frontiers. Sheikh Khalifa’s reign is marked by this capacity to transform. His wise and far-sighted leadership brought about institutional empowerment and excellence in governance. This was necessary for the UAE to survive the long series of crises, conflicts, and divisions in the region and to emerge as a major world cultural, economic, and financial force. Sheikh Khalifa was born and spent his early childhood in Al Muwaiji Fort in Al Ain, recently renovated by the Tourism and Cultural Authority. Al Muwaiji Fort stands opposite the Court of the Ruler’s Representative which Sheikh Zayed had settled in 1946 when asked by Sheikh Shakhbout, then Ruler of the Emirate, to take the leadership of the Eastern Region. Despite the small size of Al Muwaiji village relative to other villages in the cluster of oases dominated by Al Ain and Buraimi, it was a centre of influence as the seat of the ruling Al Nahyan family whose authority was paramount across the Eastern Region of Abu Dhabi and the interior of Eastern Arabia. The area was the main agricultural producer and a place of major economic and strategic importance to the security of the region. Sheikh Zayed’s formidable role was to lead its discordant tribes, to ensure internal stability, to consolidate state authority, and to bring prosperity to the people using very meagre resources.

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. © WAM.

Sheikh Khalifa’s reign is marked by this capacity to transform. His wise and far- sighted leadership brought about institutional empowerment and excellence in governance. This was necessary for the UAE to survive the long series of crises, conflicts, and divisions in the region and to emerge as a major world cultural, economic, and financial force.

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