Categorizing Losses

placed in the permanent Subrecipient file to show that the beaches were designed, constructed and routinely maintained. The documentation should include records showing when beach sand was last replaced and at what depths. Permanent restoration of the sand on natural beaches is not eligible. Historically, Category G has been the “catch- all” category for permanent repair issues not addressed in the other categories. Repairs to such items as Subrecipient- owned ball fields, golf courses, playgrounds, etc., fall within Category G. What often becomes confusing is when a park has a damaged facility within it such as public restrooms or picnic shelters. These damages can be addressed in either category E or G, depending on the decision of the Project Officer. The seven categories listed above were developed to implement the FEMA Public Assistance process. In theory, they correspond with existing departmental systems normally part of most Subrecipients’ organizational structure, e.g.: Category A - Solid Waste/Public Works Category B - Public Safety/Police/Fire Category C - DOT/Public Works Category D - Public Works Category E - Facilities/Public Works/ Risk Management Category F - Utilities/Public Works Category G - Parks and Recreation In most cases when an event occurs, an agency does what it must to achieve a safe environment, continue government

services and restore normalcy as quickly as possible. As stated earlier, much of this is accomplished prior to FEMA’s arrival. Knowledge of how FEMA categorizes costs is not only crucial to the emergency manager, but to all prospective members of the recovery team.



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