Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility Part 4: Action 1 4
Insert new recommendation stage into the implementation process of projects funded under SEROP Priority 5 (6e) – Public Realm Improvements 4.1 Policy Description
Description of the policy instrument selected for improvement - Action 1
The SEROP 2014-2020 is a funding package of €500 million, co-funded through the ERDF and the Irish exchequer, to be invested in the region over the programme period. €52 million of this funding package will be invested in Priority 5: sustainable urban development. Priority 5 has two funding strands as follows: Priority 5 (4e): “Promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, in particular urban areas, the promotion of sustainable multimodal urban mobility and mitigation-relevant adaption measures.” A common challenge facing all urban centres is to increase non-private car commuting. Promoting modal shift plays an important part in reducing transport emissions so alternatives to the private car such as walking, cycling and improved access to public transport, the provision of cycleways, bus lanes and pedestrian priority areas can be supported under this priority. Priority 5 (6e): “Taking action to improve the urban environment, to revitalise cities, regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas), reduce air pollution and promote noise-reduction measures.” Most urban centres have areas that are in need of regeneration and revitalisation, which not only brings improvements in the built environment, but can also bring economic, social and/or cultural benefits. ThisMATCH-UP Regional Action Planwill be seeking to improve this Priority 5 (6e). (This Regional Action Plan will be seeking to improve this Priority) Secondary objectives of this priority: Improving the quality of the physical environment also has a number of positive secondary effects, including social benefits, contributing to improvements in the quality of life for all. Within the context of resource efficiency, the provision of social infrastructure, and support for community initiatives can provide new uses for existing vacant buildings and under-utilised open spaces. SRA are now seeking to improve SEROP Priority 5 (6e) “public realm improvements” implementationprocess by creating a framework to reviewprojects approvedunder this priority and incorporate recommendations for low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange improvements.
Table 4.1: Policy instrument
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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