Southern Regional Assembly Regional Action Plan MATCH-UP Pr…

Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility

This framework will incorporate all learning from the good practices and Interregional site visits and staff exchanges outlined above from the MATCH-UP project and from Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform conferences. SRA will introduce this framework for the SEROP Priority 5 (6e) Public Realm Improvements, which has a funding budget of €52 million. Much of this funding budget has already been allocated and works completed. However, there are projects where infrastructure improvements have not yet commenced and the framework will be applied to these. One such project is for DCC who have been approved funding of €2.94 million and where works have not commenced (total project costs €10 million – balance of €7.06 million will be funded by DCC). DCC will now be required to provide SRA with regular updates on progress on the implementation of these low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange recommendations. Main Steps Deadline Result a Tender for Transport 12/2019 Completed

Consultant to assist with the development of the MATCH-UP Regional Action Plan and Framework for implementation process under Priority 5 (6e) winning Transport Consultant Brief preferred Transport Consultant on all Good Practices fromMATCH-UP project

b Execute contract with






d Design framework for improving low carbon



urban mobility and modal interchange under Priority 5 (6e) Meet with DCC to present recommendations for improving low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange improvements as part of the new implementation process under Priority 5 (6e) for funding already approved for them for public realm improvements.





Draft amendment to implementation plan of


Priority 5: sustainable urban development - Priority 5 (6e) for noting which reflects the policy improvement.

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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