Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility 4.4 Enablers and barriers of Action Plan development and implementation
Enabler title Description of enabler
Importance of enabler and potential impact on development and implementation of policy improvement The continued support of DCC is pivotal to the successful implementation of this policy improvement to achieve the target performance indicators by adopting the low carbon transport and modal interchange recommendations in the public realm improvements project.
Dublin City Council’s consensus on the policy change
Barrier title Description of barrier
Importance of barrier and potential impact on development and implementation of policy improvement The achievement of the target performance indicators are dependent of DCC progressing the construction of the project funded under Priority 5 (6e), securing planning permission and implementing the recommended low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange improvements.
Dublin ability
Table 4.4: Enablers and barriers affecting the development and implementation of the policy improvement
4.5 Transferability conditions and factors
Transferability factor
Factor title Description of factor
Importance of factor and potential impact on regional transferability of policy improvement There are no barriers so the impact is minimal as the policy improvement is easily transferable to other regions as most Regional Operational Programmes have a public realm improvement priority.
There barriers envisaged to the transfer of the improvement in the policy Instrument to other regions. Once developed it is easily transferred. are no
Table 4.5: Factors affecting the regional transferability of the policy improvement
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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