Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility
4.6 Risks and mitigating actions
Risks and Mitigating Actions
Title of risk Description of risk
Level of probability (High, Medium, Low)
Description of mitigating action(s)
Planning Permission Risk
Planning permission for DCC project declined
Planning permission has already been granted for 2 (Temple Bar Square and Wolfe Tone Square) of the 3 phases of this construction to date. Application for Liffey Street submitted for planning approval as this links to the other 2 phases is expected to be approved. Project is progressing well and currently at the detailed design stage. Regular updates on progress to be provided to SRA in order to ensure timing risk is kept to a minimum. The support and influence from the director of the SRA has been secured to advocate this change. political
Timing Risk
Progress project stalls and falls outside the programming period on
There are no barriers envisaged to the transfer of the improvement in the policy Instrument to other regions. Once developed it is easily transferred.
There are no barriers so the impact is minimal as the policy improvement is easily transferable to other regions as most Regional Operational Programmes have a public realm improvement priority.
Monitoring committee Risk
Table 4.6: Potential risks and mitigating actions
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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