Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility
Relevance to the Project
In addition, the County of Northeim good practice Citizens Bus Bodenfelde is a community bus service for citizens with mobility difficulties to ensure they can reach local services from their homes – supermarket, doctors, town hall, other transport connections and SRA have used these essential services as the basis of the new implementation tool. These good practices were first introduced to SRA at the site visit and staff exchange in Northeim, Germany in June 2019. Following a transferabilityworkshopwithSRA’s stakeholders inOctober 2019, SRA sought further specific details on this process and in particular a copy of their comparative analysis and viability assessment framework. All of the above good practices, Interregional site visits and staff exchanges inspired SRA to improve the policy instrument by developing a new implementation tool including a framework and methodology for assessing the “10Minute Town” concept for key towns in the Southern region.
Further details on the Interregional learning process are available in Part 6.
Nature of the Action
SRA with the assistance of a Transport Consultant will create a framework to assist with the implementation of a “10 Minute Town” concept to improve low carbon urbanmobility andmodal interchange. This will be completed by firstly assessing the “10 Minute Town” concept in 3 key towns – Ennis, Carlow and Tralee to establish baseline conditions. Using available Census (2016) information, SRA will map current travel patterns of each of these towns. This will provide some guidance on current accessibility by mode particularly in terms of access to essential services.
Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan
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