Southern Regional Assembly Regional Action Plan MATCH-UP Pr…

Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility

SRA will then prepare an accessibility model for each of the 3 towns to first identify each of the following local community/services within the catchment, which will be validated with on-site observations.

• Convenience Shop • Pharmacy/Doctor’s Surgery/ Dentist Surgery • Post Office/ Bank • Café/ Restaurant/ Bar • Library • Public Transport Node (Train Station/ Bus Stop) • National School/Secondary School

A visit will be undertaken of each of the three towns to establish the quality of the walking/ cycling and public transport networks serving each town to identify the required infrastructural upgrades needed. After establishing the location of each of the above services, an accessibility model using GIS will be undertaken to define the accessibility to each of the above services based on the following criteria: • 40 minute public transport journey (approximately 20 kilometres), the 40-minute journey time includes walking time between public transport stops. The results of the accessibility assessment will identify for each of the three towns which set of services are within the required accessibility criteria and outline recommendations on the infrastructure required to support safe walking and cycling, on improved permeability, on the provision of additional public transport services and the provision of new community services. Main Steps Deadline Result a • 10-minute walk (approximately 600 metres) • 10-minute cycle (approximately 1800 metres) 12/2019 Completed

Tender for Transport Consultant to assist with the development of the MATCH-UP Regional Action Plan and Framework for implementation process under Priority 5 (6e) Execute contract with winning Transport Consultant Brief preferred Transport Consultant on all Good Practices fromMATCH-UP Transport Consultant to design framework for “10 Minute Town” concept SRA to engage with the RSES policy owner officer to review the “10 Minute Town” concept framework













Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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