Alongside Al Jazeera, comparative studies have brought together the media in various forms, including television, radio, newspapers, news agencies, websites, and digital platforms. Among the TV channels com- pared to Al Jazeera we find: BBC, CNN, Fox News, Sky News Arabia, Al-Hurra, Russia Today (RT), China’s CGTN (formerly CCTV), Japan’s (NHK), Deutsche Welle (DW), Iran’s Press TV and “Al-Alam”, The Korean Arirang, Euro News, the French channels France 24, TF1 and TV5, the Turkish channel (TRT), the Saudi channels Al Arabiya, MBC, “Al Ekhbariya” and “Al-Majd”, Abu Dhabi TV, Dubai TV, Al-Manar, LBC, “Al-Mustakbal”, Nile News, the Egyptian satellite channel, the Palestinian Al-Najah satellite channel, Yemen TV and Ethiopian TV. Among radio stations, Al Jazeera was compared to BBC Radio, Radio Sawa, and Voice of the Arabs (Sawt Al-Arab). Among newspapers, the Network was compared to The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, China Daily, the Iran Review, the Brazilian Sao Paulo, the Finnish Helsinki Diary, the Egyptian Al-Masry Al-Youm, and the Moroccan daily “Al-Massae”. It was also been compared with Reuters, Agence France Presse, the Chinese Xinhua and Russian Sputnik news agencies, and the Kurdish Furat. It has also been compared to some social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. In this context, Al Jazeera’s main Arabic-language channel re- ceived the lion’s share of research compared to the rest of the network. For example, Leon Barkho’s studies compared Al Jazeera to the BBC and CNN on power strategies in multilingual international broadcast- ers (1) , and the three channels themselves on their coverage of Middle East affairs (2) . In her thesis on the coverage of the January 25 revolu- tion in Egypt, Yomna Kamel compared between Al Jazeera, Al Arabi- ya, BBC, CNN, RT, and the Chinese news agency, Xinhua (3) . On his (1) Leon Barkho, Strategies of Power in Multilingual Global Broadcasters: How the BBC, CNN and Aljazeera Shape Their Middle East News Discourse (ARK-tryckaren AB, 2008). (2) Leon Barkho, News from the BBC, CNN and Al-Jazeera. How the Three Broadcasters Cover the Middle East (New York: Hampton Press, 2010). (3) Yomna Kamel, News, Activism and Social Media: Reporting the Egyptian Revolution and its aftermath by Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, RT and XINHUA , (PhD thesis, Bournemouth Univer-
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