Al Jazeera Tells its Story: In-Depth Studies

-Introduction to computer use -Television news -Defining television news broadcasts and editorial terms -News sources -Typing

Day One

-Processing the news and its different forms -Writing to image -Practical application of writing to image -Defining GRAFX -Writing to GFX -Typing -Practical application of writing to GFX

Day Two

Day Three

-Training on creating a news report in its entirety -Voice training -News review upon completion and conversion to a broadcast, updating news and the responsibility of the editorial team -Securing news bulletins and presenting them on air -Securing documents, using sources and specialised organisational areas -Voice training -Reviewing news photographs, selecting photographs to be published the next day

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six -Practice broadcast

The training took place in the newsroom even before its construc- tion was completed. Most of the topics were new to the attendees, and


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