Al Jazeera Tells its Story: In-Depth Studies

structural level during this period, with a set of emerging regulations, especially after a comprehensive restructuring of the organisation with the help of a global company, which began at the start of 2009 and con- tinued into 2010. Al Jazeera Media Network developed a comprehensive plan for training and development, which is one of the aspects of investing in the human capital of the network. This plan included all roles, from the media process directly, to any supporting roles, with the ultimate goal of improving employee skills and abilities, and enhancing the feeling of belonging and loyalty to the organisation. In terms of evaluation and review, the network performed a number of evaluations based on in- depth studies in 2008 through 2009, starting with rating Al Jazeera’s news channel by identifying strengths and weaknesses, overcoming obstacles, and developing work practices. In 2011, the network also conducted a comprehensive evaluation of Al Jazeera English and Al Jazeera Documentary. 3. Full Maturation and Imposition of Leadership This phase extends from 2011 to 2021. This phase is a difficult one, marked by a number of challenges, dangers and intense political and geopolitical changes in the Arab world and worldwide. These changes, starting with the Arab Spring revolutions, presented monumental chal- lenges to the network’s leaders, not the least of which was the struggle to maintain the network’s editorial policy across all its channels, digi- tal platforms, and specialised centres—a policy built on conveying the truth as it is and standing with human beings in their path to attain their rights and freedoms. These challenges included legal, financial and ad- ministrative problems, for which the administration attempted to mit- igate and find solutions, requiring quick decision-making and internal unity to protect the network from external influences. The new political reality in the region forced a state of polarisation and position-taking on the Arab Spring revolutions and their implications. Based on this, media organisations were categorised and interacted with accordingly. Al Jazeera’s position on these revolutions, which were reported from various areas in a free, open and detailed manner, caused some to view Al Jazeera as an actor and director of these events, not just a conveyor


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