Al Jazeera Tells its Story: In-Depth Studies

majority of its members, provided the Chairman or the Deputy Chair- man is present. The Board shall have a secretary who shall be selected and whose duties shall be determined by the Board. Article 11: The sessions of the Board of Directors shall be in private. Atten- dance and voting may not be by proxy. Resolutions shall be issued by a majority vote of the members present, and in the case of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting or second vote. Article 12: The minutes of the sessions of the Board and its resolutions shall be recorded in a special register, the pages of which shall be numbered. The Chairman and Secretary of the Board shall sign this register. Article 13: The Board may invite to attend its meeting any person whose as- sistance is deemed required, from amongst the employees of the Cor- poration or other persons of competence and expertise to provide the details or clarification it requires. Such persons may participate in the discussions without their vote being counted when taking the resolu- tions. Article 14: The Board may form standing or temporary committees from among its members to assist it in the study of the matters submitted to it. It may include in those committees members from within the Corpo- ration or from outside. Article 15: The Corporation shall have a Managing Director appointed by a resolution of the Board of Directors. The resolution shall specify his allocations.


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