UWSP School of Business and Economics Awards Banquet 2021

GORDON HAFERBECKER SCHOLARSHIP Gordon Haferbecker was an economics professor for 10 years at UW-Milwaukee beginning in 1946. He received his doctorate in economics from UW-Madison in 1952. He began a long affiliation with UWSP in 1956 when he was appointed dean of instruction, the number-two administrative post. The position later became Vice-Chancellor for academic affairs and he held it until returning to full-time teaching as a professor of economics in 1974. He served as acting president of the university several times. When Haferbecker moved from administration to teaching in 1974, the faculty established a scholarship to fund in his honor. Haferbecker passed away in December 1998. His wife, Darlene, survives. Trish and Mick Howen graduated from UW-Stevens Point after serving in the U.S. Army and starting a family. Trish started her accounting career at the UWSP Foundation and is currently the director of accounting for The QTI Group in Madison. Mick worked at the Central Wisconsin Economic Research Bureau while attending UWSP and is currently a director with the Madison Metropolitan School District. TRISH & MICK HOWEN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS SCHOLARSHIP Although they were both fortunate to receive scholarships while attending UWSP, there were none available to part-time students, such as Trish, through the School of Business and Economics. As a sign of their appreciation to UWSP for helping in their professional success, they established this scholarship to help part-time, non-traditional students with financial need who have responsibilities outside of school that make their pursuit of education challenging. IMA STUDENT LEADERSHIP AWARD This award was based on contributions to the chapter, academic achievement, activities involvement and relevant employment, and content of essay discussing career goals and involvement in extracurricular activities, including involvement in the IMA.


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