UWSP School of Business and Economics Awards Banquet 2021

Center for Business and Economic Insight



Since its founding in 1983, the Central Wisconsin Economic Research Bureau (CWERB) has fostered economic development by providing timely economic analysis to our constituents, largely through the publication and presentation of its Economic Indicators Reports. Building on that tradition of service to the Central Wisconsin region, we changed our name to the UW-Stevens Point Center for Business and Economic Insight (CBEI) to reflect a broader vision and expansion of activities. In addition to economic analysis, CBEI aims to be an indispensable source of applied business knowledge for local business and community leaders. The faculty of the School of Business and Economics at UW- Stevens Point and other experts share their learning and experience over a range of areas including talent management, data analytics, leadership, community development, and many other fields. Our chief analyst Kevin Bahr will be posting articles on important business and economic topics periodically on our new blog. In addition to continuing our bi-annual breakfasts, the CBEI is looking to increase our public presence by sponsoring luncheons.


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