King's Business - 1953-06

W A R A G A I N S T T R U T H continued You see, examinations are just past. I have barely finished grading about three hundred of them and am all primed for this subject of mental habits! Some of the answers we get to examination questions are not worth repeating and some of them, possibly, are interesting to repeat. In answer to the question: “What is the philosophy that pleasure is the chief good of life?” instead of getting the proper answer, which is “ hedonism,” I was given the answer, ‘'polygamy” . In answer to the question: “Name some of the great areas of Systematic Theology, three of them I received in one list were these (whatever they might be): Osmotology, Anterioro- logy and Posteriology! One of the last examinations I graded, on one particular point, a discussion question worth 10%, one tenth of the entire exam, there was only one word put down and that word was misspelled! A psychology professor in the east put it this way, and possibly he has found the solution. He says that in this country only 5% of the people think ; 10% think they think; and 85% would rather die than think! Now in college we are here to get an education, but if anything, we are here to learn to think.' One of the chief benefits of going on to graduate school, such as seminary, is this: a' seminary education is one more chance to think if the student hasn’t done so in the last four years. A philosopher put it this way: “Wher­ ever you are, strive to be all there.” Vacation from Learning Now these things are said this morning with a purpose. So many of the students—and I’m sure the other professors will bear me out—sit in the classroom, but are taking a “ Scotch vacation,’’and you know what that is. In a “ Scotch vacation,” you stay at home and let your mind wan­ der! My point is this: As we are now, so we shall be then. If we are poor students now, we will be poor teach­ ers and poor preachers then. If we do not form good mental, academic habits now, we will not have them later. If we go through B.I. with our brains in neutral, we will find it difficult later to shift into high gear. After graduation is over, when the pressure is off, when no faculty mem­ ber is after you and there are no examinations, when nobody is there to whom you are humanly responsi­ ble, after graduation is over and there is no great, immediate incentive

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