King's Business - 1953-06

and “ education”— they belong to­ gether and must remain together. We have here at B io l a a true philosophy of Christian Education. We do not as an institution intend to drift. We have no intention of going the way of sin and apostasy, the way that many of the other schools have gone. It is not without reason that the mem­ bers of the board and the members of the faculty of this institution year­ ly sign an extended doctrinal state­ ment. But we will not divorce these two words— “ Christian,” and “ edu­ cation.” We believe here that we can have more education and a better education if we will be Christian in every sense of the word. We believe that astronomy will be more clear if we have our eyes fixed on Christ, who is the Bright and Morning Star. We believe that botany will be more vital, more interesting, if we know the Lord Jesus Christ, the Rose of Sharon who has made all of these things. We believe that literature will be more important to our under­ standing if we realize that in our hands we have the wqrld’s finest literature, the Word of God. We know here that this is true— it is better to know the Rock of Ages than to know the ages of the rocks. Chemistry will be more valuable and less difficult to those who have a living acquaint­ ance with the God of the atom. A ll history is important, but even history means more to Christians, for they understand that all of history is “His story” ! Students, you are in the process of getting your education. Make sure that it is an education in every sense of the word, but let it be primarily a Christian education. Let us stress our mental habits and other academic factors, but never forget that our pri­ mary purpose in being here is to learn how better to serve the living Christ. To that end, let us not forget our three basic propositions if I may quickly remind you of them again. God puts the emphasis upon His own precious Word and uses most those who know it and love it best. Therefore, let us study the Book! Moreover, we are now forming habits —both spiritual and mental—which will attach themselves to our whole life and ministry. Let us therefore give attention to the formation of the proper habits. In it all, let us serve the Lord diligently, and because He has given us this job to do, let us do it heartily as unto Him and not unto men. This morning, this is my plea to you who are students here at B io l a , in the presence of the wide­ spread apostasy and the sweeping spiritual ignorance of our times.

to study, what then will you do? So I say to you that the habits you form now will probably carry with you through much of your life. Well did the Lord Jesus Christ Himself say: “We speak that which we do know.” I have it on good authority that 95% of good teaching is good studying, and the secret of good studying is clear thinking. First Peter 1:13 says: “ Gird up the loins of your mind.” Many promises in the Word of God are available to those who will think. Open the Bible and dare to think! But we see in the Word of God no such promises available for idle minds. So my second proposition to you is this: Guard your thoughts, for you students are now forming habits of study and thought which will at­ tach themselves to your entire life and ministry. My third proposition, quickly, is this: When God gives you a job to do, do it heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men. Do it heartily, as unto Him! We stand before Him and not before any man or any member of the faculty. You are not reponsi- ble here to us, you are responsible to Him, the Lord Jesus Christ who has directed you here. If God has called you here, and I am sure that He has, if God has given you this opportunity for training, will you not then make it your attitude and your purpose while you are here that whatever your hand finds to do, you will do it with all your might? Do it heartily, as unto the Lord. “ Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Those who put their hand to the plow, we read, and look back, are not fit for the kingdom of God. We are told that we should not be slothful in business, but be fervent in spirit be­ cause we serve the Lord. I know that some of you are thinking of the words of Solomon, who said that of the making of books there is no end and much study is a weariness to the flesh! Now sometimes that is true» Solomon, however,* also speaks of the time “when wisdom entereth into thy heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul.” And so to the question, “Must we study?”, the answer comes, we must study.” And I present to you that there is a real need of doing it heartily, fervently, not unto man but unto the Lord. Give unto it your best and do so habitually! Young people, you are today either embarking upon or else you are in the midst of a Christian education. I trust that you will seek to be the best you can be spiritually, and will you not strive to attain unto your best academically? However, never divorce those two words, “ Christian,”


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