King's Business - 1953-06


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Looking Ahead In Christian Ed _____________________ ed ited b y M a rga ret Ja cob sen , M . A . Associate professor of Christian Education, Biola Bible College how to use flannelgraph with adults B y S ylvia M a ttson

Don’t put your flannel-board in moth balls just because you have been given an adult class. There are lessons on an adult level that lend themselves nicely to the flannel- graph method of teaching. The les­ son, Law and Grace, is one of these. From brown construction paper prepare, a large tablet, marking it faintly with a dark brown pencil to resemble a stone. (See illustration.) Letter the words, “ THOU SHALT” in white. Prepare six smaller tablets in the same manner with this letter­ ing: 1. Brought Condemnation. From white construction paper pre­ pare a large book, upon which you letter (in red) the words, “ BOOK OF LIFE.” Prepare a red cross to place between the large tablet of stone and the book of life. Cut six white hearts and six small red crosses. Mount the crosses behind the hearts. Letter the following on the six hearts: 1. Removed Condemnation. 2. Salvation from Sin. 3. Given by Christ. 4. Administered by Holy Spirit. 5. Given to All. 6. Ends on Second Coming. Place a piece of sandpaper on the back of all the objects so that they will adhere to the flannel-board. The following is an outline of the lesson: Place the large tablet of stone on the board, using Exodus 20:1-18. Many people have tried to keep the law for one purpose — to secure eternal life. Place the “ Book of Life” on the board, using some of the fol­ lowing Scriptures: Gal. 4:4, 5; Rev. 3:5; Gal. 3:11; Gal. 2:20. 38 2. Knowledge of Sin. 3. Given by Moses. 4. Administered by Angels. 5. Given to a “ Select” group. 6. Ended at Calvary.

The only thing the law can do for a poor sinner is to condemn him. Place tablet with lettering “ Brought Condemnation” on the board, using

All that the law can do is to say “Do, Do, Do.” Grace says “Trust, Trust, Trust.” This lesson on Law and Grace can be given in detail over a period of several Sundays. Teaching the Bible by dispensa­ tions can be done on the flannel- board. You might make your divi­ sions as follows: (1) Innocence; (2) Conscience; (3) Human Government; (4) Promise; (5) Law; (6) Grace; (7) Millennial Kingdom. Prepare seven circles upon which is lettered one of the divisions of the outline. (You may make books or pyramids instead of circles if you desire.) Place a circle on the board as that outline is given. There might be a cross, a white throne, a lake of fire, and other objects to place on the board for this outline. When you have Completed the dispensations, a very fine outline of the Bible will be in front of the class. Most charts can be placed into objects that can be used on the flan­ nel-board. The flannel-board need not be used every Sunday in an adult class, but I would certainly suggest that it be used occasionally. Party of the Month Round-the-world in one night. Pineapple juice from Hawaii, green salad from France, chop suey from China, spaghetti from Italy, Irish stevv from Ireland, and Smorgasbord from Scandinavia, and top it off with ice cream from the neighborhood market. Decorations are fun too! That’s the agenda for your progres­ sive dinner. Give everyone tickets at the first stop to direct them on their way. Set a time limit for each course and stick to it. At the last house have a program based on Philippians 3:12-14, enjoy some good travel slides and say good­ night until the next culinary voyage. THE KING'S BUSINESS

James 2:10; Gal. 3:10. Why then the law? Use Gal. 3:19 and Rom. 4:15. Place the heart marked “ Removed Condemnation” on board, using Rom. 5:8, 9. Place tablet marked “ Knowledge of Sin” on board, using Rom. 3:20. Place white heart marked “ Salva­ tion from Sin” on board, using Rom. 3:24. Place tablet marked “ Given by Moses,” using John 1:17a. Place white heart marked “Given by Christ” on board, using John 1: 17b. Place tablet marked “ Adminis­ tered by Angels,” using Acts 7:53. Place heart marked “Administered by Holy Spirit” on board using 1 Peter 1:10-12. Place tablet marked “ Select Group” (Israel) on board, using Exod. 19:3. Place heart marked “ Given to All,” using Titus 2:11. Place tablet marked “ Ended at Calvary” on board, using Rom. 10:4. Place heart marked “ Ends on Sec­ ond Coming” on board, using John 14:3.

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