King's Business - 1953-06

the inspired historian resumes his narra­ tive concerning the witness of Peter, showing that God was still working signs and wonders through this man in the area of Palestine. W h ile Peter was ministering in the town of Lydda news came to him of the death of a certain disciple of the Lord named Tabitha (or Dorcas). This woman lived in the near-by town of Joppa. Christians in this town, knowing that Peter was in the neighborhood, came to him for help, urging him to come to Lydda, which he did. Upon his arrival he put the believers from him , kneeled down, and prayed, and then turning to the body of Dorcas commanded her to return to life again. God granted this miracle as a further attestation to the genuineness of the gos- ple Peter preached, and as a further in­ dication of the beginning of the new dis­ pensation. But the theme of our lesson today has to do w ith the character of this woman whom God raised from the dead. A s we study the passage of Scripture involved we note a number of won­ derful things about this fine Christian woman, and about her work for Christ. Dorcas' Works were Works of Love v. 36 W e note in the text that Dorcas had been given this name as a sort of sec­ ond name. Her real name was Tabitha; but because she was such a gentle sweet person her friends called her Dorcas, which means gazelle. W hen Christ comes into a person’s life that life is made sweet. Perhaps before his conversion he was bitter and cantankerous and bad tempered. But Christ makes a difference. A s Paul said, when Christ comes into the life that person becomes “a new crea­ tion” (2 Cor. 5 :1 7 ). The love of Christ filled this sweet woman’s heart and out o f ' her heart of love came works of love for the Saviour. So it has ever been. The Apostle Paul speaks of the model church in First Thessalonians 1, and among other things for which he commends these early be­ lievers he mentions “work of faith, and labour of love” (v . 3 ). Luke calls Dorcas a “disciple” of the Lord Jesus. This is a very wonderful title, more to be desired than any other. A disciple is a servant of the Lord for this is the meaning of the root word. The great Apostle proudly owned this title of servant, bondservant, and con­ sidered him self the w illing slave of Christ. This is Christianity at its best. The fact that a woman was called a “ disciple” indicates the new position of women in these early times. Throughout the pagan world women were greatly abused; but when people became Chris­ tians the distinction of sex was no bar­ rier in the service of the Lord, and women were looked upon as disciples of the Lord. Dorcas' Works were Spontaneous v. 36 W e read that Dorcas was “ fu ll of good works.” This means that the things she did for Christ came out of a life that was fu ll of such works. She did not have to drive herself to serve the Lord, rather she found that she could THE KING'S BUSINESS

Y O U N G P E O P L E continued things that inevitably destroy his Chris­ tian life. Personally, I cannot conceive of the Lord Jesus taking a drink, even a “social glass.” W ho can question that if He were here today He would be the Great Crusader against the liquor traffic in this nation and throughout the world. I can­ not visualize the Saviour on the dance floor w ith H is arms around some woman, nor can I see H im w ith a cigarette dangling from H is lips. If these things would he incongruous for H im by what line of reasoning can we make them admissible in the Christian’s life? W e recognize, of course, that abstinence from the above things does not constitute the totality of the Christian experience, other things are included and must be acknowledged as being sinful also (cf. Eph. 4 -5 ; Rom. 12-14, etc.). W e want to avoid the error of straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel (M att. 2 3 :2 4 ), and seeking to cast a mote (tiny splinter) out of our brother’s eye, not noticing the beam (great timber) that is in our own (M att. 7 :3 -5 ). Daniel was a Man of Influence Dan. 1:9 The godly purposeful life of this young man made a profound impression upon those who came in daily contact with him . The acid test of the Christian expe­ rience is that of fam iliarity. If you can live with a Christian in dose relation­ ship for a time you w ill discover how deep his faith goes. There are Sunday Christians who look very much like the real thing; but in unguarded mo­ ments the real man is betrayed. Possibly no Christian knows the extent of his influence for Christ. N o doubt if he did he would be terribly frightened. But we know enough about it to be assured that our conduct as believers is of utmost importance and that we must make every effort to im itate the Lord (Eph. 5 :1 ). Daniel was a Man of Faith in God 1:12-15 Daniel dared to trust God to take care of the consequences that followed from fu ll obedience. He knew that in the end all would come out right if he would only follow the Lord fu lly. The verses given above breathe confidence in God. Young people, it always pays to do the w ill of God as that w ill is revealed in the Bible. N o young man or young woman has ever gone wrong doing God’s w ill, but countless young people have ruined their lives and ended in awful tragedy simply because they ignored the W ord of God (cf. Rom. 12:1, 2 ; 1 Cor. 1 5:5 8 ; Gal. 6 :7 -9 ). July 19, 1953 Meet Dorcas, the Worker Acts 9:36-42 The book of Acts is the inspired history of the founding and expansion of the Christian church. The central figure in the first half of the book is the Apostle Peter; the central figure in the last half is the Apostle Paul. In chapter nine of Acts we have the account of Paul’s conversion and early witness; then Luke,

GO and show John... “The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleaned, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the Gospel is preached.” This was the proof the Lord Jesus Christ gave in answer to John the Bap­ tist’s query, “Art thou he that should come?” Christian organizations are often asked whether they are doing the work of the Lord. In answer THE FRIENDS OFISRAEL says: W e cannot make the lame walk as did our Lord, but we recently provided an artificial limb for a young believer in Israel. W e cannot cleanse lepers or raise the dead — but we bring to them new life and cleansing through the blood of the cross. And following our Lord’s example, we do not overlook material needs. Our missionaries and repre­ sentatives distribute food, clothing and medical care to suffering and needy Jewish people. Today we have more than 20 full time missionaries— in Israel, Europe and the United States. Make THE FRIENDS OF

to the Jewish people. IS R A E L your channel of Christian love and witness

Dear Friends of Israel: I am sending enclosed for your ministry $ THE FRIENDS OF ISRAELI MISSIONARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY, INC. | P re s id e n t, Joseph M. Steele G e n e ra l S e c re tc n y, R e v . V ic to r B uksb axe n X U.S.A. CANADA 728 Witherspoon Bldg. 1066 Avenue Rood Philadelphia 7, Pa. Toronto 12, Ontario



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