King's Business - 1953-06

Hymns You Love

Y O U N G P E O P L E continued Christianity today. Discuss this subject in your society. Barnabas taught the right truth (v. 2 3). He exhorted them that “with purpose of heart” they would “ cleave unto the Lord.” This is splendid teaching. It takes pur­ pose of heart to live for Christ. If a man determines to do the w ill of God as it is revealed in the W ord of God he w ill succeed. Note that Barnabas urged these new Christians in Antioch to cleave “ unto the Lord.” He said nothing about cleaving to any certain group or any peculiar de­ nomination. Like Paul (1 Cor. 1:10-17) he repudiated the party-spirit. W here Christ is all and in all believers enjoy blessed fellowship together. Barnabas has the right character. (Study v. 24 carefully.) Note the three things said of him in this verse. W hat do these things mean? Could these things be said of you? Note the result of his m inistry in Antioch in the last part of this verse. There is no more powerful influence than the influence of a godly life. His Beautiful Humility 11:25, 26 From this passage it is evident that the work of Christ came before personal glory. How wonderful that Barnabas went for Paul instead of trying to keep the work wrapped around him self! Dis­ cuss this act and apply it to your life today. His Value to God for Service Acts 13:1-4 Study this paragraph carefully. Note the circumstances of his call (v. 1, 2 ). Note the One who did the calling (v. 2 ). Do you think a person should receive a personal call from God for Christian service? Note that it was a call to work. It takes work to build for God. T H E O L O G I C A L L Y T H I N K I N G from page 33 state of deadlock and without a suf­ ficient deciding factor between the two, the time for this was before the birth of Christ, not now. When Christ was bom, it was of a virgin mother, and if dispute were ever present over the meaning of the word almah the manner of the actual birth should forever settle the issue. Be­ hind the word virgin in Isaiah 7:14 stand the marshalled proofs for the entire doctrine of the virgin birth as contained in the New Testament, including the integrity of Mary and the character of the person and work of Christ Himself. We conclude, therefore, that aside from the linguistic evidence for re­ taining virgin as the only proper translation of almah in this passage, the weight of both the immediate and the larger theological contexts requires a translation of the prophecy in exact keeping with the virgin birth which fulfilled the prophecy and was a sign unto the nation Is­ rael.

By Phil Kerr

In the Cross o f Christ I G lory Words by John Bowring. Music by Ithamar Conkey. “ But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This text, from Gala­ tians 6:14, formed the basis for the hymn-poem, originally titled “ Glory­ ing in the Cross,” as it first appeared in Bowring’s Hymns in 1825. The author was born in England, October 17, 1792 and died Novem­ ber 23, 1872. At an early age he be­ gan assisting his father in the mer­ cantile and import business and traveled widely. By the time he was 16 he could speak Spanish, Portu­ guese, Italian, German and Dutch. Later in life he claimed to know two hundred languages and to be able to speak one hundred! He was at various times a member of Par­ liament, the Governor of Hong Kong and the Counsul at Canton. He authored several hymns and wrote profusely on political and religious subjects. Although a life-long Uni­ tarian, this hymn proves that he firmly believed in the doctrine of the Trinity. The tune Rathbun was written in 1849 while Ithamar Conkey was or­ ganist of the Central Baptist Church of Norwich, Conn. His pastor was preaching a series of sermons on the subject of the Atonement. One incle­ ment Sunday morning the choir failed to come to service, except one soprano. In disgust, Conkey slipped out a side door and went home with­ out remaining to hear the sermon. That afternoon, in contrition, he de­ cided to compose a new musical set­ ting for Bowring’s hymn, which he knew the pastor intended to use the following Sunday. Thus was bom the tune Rathbun, so named in honor of Mrs, B. S. Rathbun, the faithful soprano! Conkey was bom, of Scotch des­ cent, in Shutesbury, Mass., May 15, 1815 and died in Elizabeth, N. J., April 30, 1867. He was an accom­ plished organist and a noted bass singer. This is the first in a new series of articles by Phil Kerr, evangelist, composer, musician, author. Each article in this ser­ ies will tell the fascinating story behind the hymns we sing and love. Next month: "A ll Hail the Power of Jesus' Name."— Ed.

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