King's Business - 1953-06

T E N T S O F S H E M from 13 In the last place, our passage points out vividly enough OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO TH E TR U TH Once we realize how fully we have entered into the spiritual blessings of the Jew, will we not take to heart the words of the Scriptures? They tell us that the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to every­ one that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. They remind us that Gentile followers of the Jew­ ish Messiah are indebted to Israel as partakers of their spiritual things. (Rom. 1:16; 15:27.) They indicate that the gospel, the message of good news, is to be preached for the re­ mission of sins from Jerusalem to all peoples. They outline God’s strategy in world spread of the truth by be­ ginning at Jerusalem and reaching out to the uttermost part of the earth. How can we manifest gratitude for dwelling in the tents of Shem and never tell Israel of their spiritual riches in the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ? We have this God-given re­ sponsibility and opportunity; let us avail ourselves of it. When this is done, God is mightily glorified. A Mr. Reichart, a missionary to the Jews in Cairo, Egypt, undertook to be the depository of the British Bible Society. In his store one day he had a visit from a small party of Arabian Jews. They had heard somehow of the shop in Cairo and they came for Hebrew Old Testaments. Reichart very gladly supplied them, but before he fastened down the box, with earn­ est prayer and without a word to the man, he put in a Hebrew New Testa­ ment, hidden with the Old. They went away, and then in a year or two there came some men back again, and brought a letter. This letter stated how highly they valued the beautiful copies of the Law, Prophets, and Psalms, and also how surprised they were to find another book in the holy tongue, about which they had never known. The Person of whom it spoke had never crossed their knowledge before, and as they read of Him in the holy words of the Book, enclosed with their Scriptures, with one mind they had come to the conclusion that He was Israel’s Mes­ siah. This was a blessed way in which to fulfill the responsibility for dwell­ ing in Shem’s tents. From the very moment you trusted Christ as Saviour and Lord, you be­ gan to dwell in the tents of Shem. How long has it been since you have paid your tent rent? Have you ever paid it? Have you ever told a Jewish soul about his Messiah and Saviour? TH E KING'S BUSINESS

S U N D A Y S C H O O L continued man. Every man is saved through faith in Christ regardless of his sta­ tion in life or the color of his skin. (6) One baptism. This is not water baptism but that baptism by which all believers are immersed into the body of Christ once for all (1 Cor. 12:13). (7) One God. There is not one God for each congregation but one Father is over all believers and cares for them in ways of infinite love. Surely all of those who live in harmony with these seven unities will present a clear testimony before the world. They will lead men to Christ. Diversity Amidst Unity in the Church w . 11-16 This passage makes it clear that in the unified body of Christ there are different members with various min­ istries (v. 11). The gifts that are manifest in the body are for “ the per­ fecting of the saints,” “ for the work of the ministry,” “ for the edifying of the body,” to the end that the whole church may grow “ up into him” (v. 15). Helps for the Children Memory Verse: "But speaking the truth in love, [we] may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ" (Eph. 4:15). Paul was in prison in Rome. No longer could he visit those whom he had led to the Lord Jesus Christ. Now he must be content with writing letters to them to help them to grow in their Christian life. Sometimes boys and girls say, “Well, I’m not a baby any more; I can take care of myself.” Often they are growing in their bodies, but, like the Christians to whom Paul wrote, they are not growing in their Chris­ tian lives very much. Paul told the Christians to walk (live) in a way that was worthy of the Lord Jesus; in a manner well-pleasing to Him. In Ephesians 4:11-32 we have an­ other list of “ Do’s” and “ Don’ts” for Christians. Have you let the Lord Jesus help you to live the life that we talked about two weeks ago? This list in Ephesians is longer than the one in Romans. It includes some more things that God wants us to obey because we love Him. Perhaps you will discover that in some ways you have not been acting at all “ grown up.” Perhaps you have lost your temper and thrown something down on the floor; perhaps you have pouted when you could not have your own way at home; perhaps you have whined because you had to help mother with the work. One of your friends may have bought 46 Growing as Jesus Grew Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-32

A Letter to the EdHor Dear Sir:

Thank you very, very much for your kind works that supply me the magazine freely. My sincere thanks is beyond my explanation. I gain many helps from T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i ­ n e s s . It is so to speak, my spiritual treasure and dryless spring water

supply. I therefore fervently pray you through His Holy name to send me again as a gift. As for myself, I am a poor worker in the vineyard of the Lord yet I am very happy for He blesses me with spiritual blessings, giving me so many souls. I think this tribe is the most backward tribe in the world. I have been working among them for six years and the Lord blesses me 2,000 souls against 1,500 last year. The picture is of some of our tribes- people. I am now translating the Gospel according to Saint John. A ll blessings be yours. Pastor Chawna Jampue Assam, India Pastor Chawna is receiving the magazine through the Free Fund pro­ vided by our readers. This fund is set aside to be used 100 percent in sending the magazine to individuals and institutions that otherwise would be unable to subscribe because of fi­ nancial circumstances. Through our special plan, $5.00 provides the magazine for 30 months. You may designate to whom it should go, or we ivill select a worthy mis­ sionary, hospital, jail, old peopled home, etc. A one-year subscription is $2.00 ( regular rate is $2.50.) Mark your gift Free Fund and mail to T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s , 55 8 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. something that you wanted very badly. If you have not grown up in your Christian life, pray that the Lord Jesus will control your words, your thoughts, your desires and your ac­ tions so that others will see that you are truly growing up in Him!

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