

Senior of the year

Cake for a cause


Sarah Dagg, teacher at Vankleek Hill Col- legiate Institute (VCI), organized a cake auction June 12, with funds going toward a trip to the Stratford Festival during the next school year for her students. A professional auctioneer auctioned off 32 cakes, which raised more than $873 to go toward the student’s trip. The trip will include several plays, tours and a scavenger hunt, as well as accommodations, meals and transportation. Some cakes went for as high as $65. Students and teachers walked away with their cakes and big smiles. The afternoon proved to be a sweet one at VCI.

Jean-Guy Bonneau received a great honour at the town council meeting on June 10. ChamplainMayor Gary Barton presented Bonneauwith the Senior of the Year award onWednesday night. A businessman, Bonneau has been involved with the church, the Knights of Columbus and many community events. He purchased L’Orignal Packing Ltd. in 1971 and ran the company with the assistance of his two brothers, Yvan and Claude, and his controller, Roger Barbarie, until 2006 when he passed the business onto his son, Benoit. “I am sure there are probably a lot of seniors that should be recognized,” said Mayor Barton. “But we could only pick one.” Bonneau’s family was present for the award, which was received with applause and photographs. (DH)

Grade 10 student Cameron Stolzman is proud of the chocolate peanut butter cake he made for the auction. His cake sold for $30. WWI at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum

Voir grand.

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On Sunday, June 21, at 2 p.m., the Glengarry Pioneer Museum inDunvegan will host “Soldiers, Weapons, andMedicine in WWI.” This talk is part of an on-going series to commemorate Glengarry’s contributions to the Great War. This educational afternoon will feature three local historians speaking on various topics pertaining to World War One and Glengarry. “In Canada, we think of WWI in the context of Ypres and Vimy, but WWI was truly global,” said local historian Robin Flockton. Thelma MacCaskill will captivate listeners with the family histories of several local WWI soldiers. Steve Barrett will highlight some of the weapons used in WWI, showcasing a selection of photos of the weapons used during the Great War. Learnmore about Glengarry’s connection to the Great War! The Glengarry Pioneer Museum is located at the crossroads of County Road 24 and County Road 30 in Dunvegan. Formore information: 613-527- 5230, info@glengarrypioneermuseum, or

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