August 2024


Bertie Norton What motivated you to become an educator, and what kept you passionate throughout your career?

As Mrs. Norton’s secretary, I worked closely with her every day. She was the best (bar none) disciplinarian because she corrected with love and encouraged every child who walked through her door. Her office was a place of safety and security for those little children. I learned so many life lessons from her just by working with her and watching her ‘do school’…and life!”

Within a month of being employed by Red Lick ISD as a secretary and teacher’s aide, I knew teaching and working with children was where I belonged. The love of being in a school with children had filled my heart, and God’s plan had begun. I was motivated simply by being with children. There was so much joy in a school, and that kept me motivated throughout the forty years that I was blessed to work. God had placed me in each job. Each job was my favorite, and each day had a purpose. Children and school became my ministry. What advice would you give new educators? I would share that teaching is not an easy profession, but it is the most rewarding profession one could choose. They should strive to be known for their strong work ethic, their love of children, and their desire to meet the needs of all children. Deciding to become a teacher must be a heartfelt choice.

—Emily Smith, Red Lick School Secretary, 1993-2004

What can I say about my Bertie Norton that hasn’t already been said? I’m finding these words to be inadequate, and I want you to truly feel her importance to me as I try to convey just how special she is. ‘Ms. N,’ as I call her, is a strong Christian, a devoted wife, mother and grandmother, a loyal friend, and a true patriot of our great country. She’s a crusader for the underdog, a huge dose of kindness, and a dynamic presence that loves BIG for all the little children in this world.”

Was there someone who was an inspiration or mentor in your development as an educator?

—Debbie Norton, Red Lick Teacher, 1973-1975 and 1979-2011

I always stress that my mother, Flora Mason, was my greatest inspiration. However, in the educational system, I have been blessed to have many outstanding educators who have influenced me and taught me well. As a teacher’s aide, I was strongly encouraged and influenced by Mrs. Sue Blake and Mrs. Mary Walker. I loved how they interacted with their students in such a gentle, respectful manner and how their classrooms were filled with successful, happy children. I knew I wanted to have those skills. As a teacher, I was surrounded by amazing teachers such as, Debbie Norton, Peggy Hobson, and Retta Nutt. Each one had a special magic that worked in their classrooms. I wanted that as well. As an administrator, I learned so much about the general operation of the school and how to build a positive school climate while stressing the importance of high expectations of students, staff, and self from Dr. Richard Hervey. He had high expectations of me, and he taught me well. What were you the proudest of from your time at Red Lick? I began working at Red Lick ISD when it was a little country school with a limited tax base, older buildings, and yet filled with happy, successful children. I was afforded the privilege of not only observing but being a small part of its growth to become a shiny, beautiful school where many parents chose to send their children. The reputation of Red Lick ISD had totally changed over a short period of time. Dr. Hervey, the school board, and the awesome staff, and students had done an amazing job. The two things that defined Red Lick ISD were excellence in academic student performance and outstanding, respectful student behavior. Today, I am pleased to see that Red Lick ISD continues to thrive and flourish.

Bertie Norton was incredibly fair and supportive of all the teachers. She could diffuse a volatile situation, and all involved parties would leave her office with smiles. She was, indeed, a jewel of an administrator. Her friendship is something I value to this very day.”

—Peggy Hobson, Red Lick Teacher, 1990-2019

I remember Mrs. Norton being one of our most iconic teachers at Red Lick. Everyone wanted her as teacher. Whether her student or not I truly believe any of us who have been in school with her have been touched by her friendly smile and encouraging words. I always felt that she made each one of her students feel special. We remember some school years better than others. I will always remember first grade and how special I felt having her as my teacher”

Amber (Carter) Lawrence, Red Lick Student, 1985-1986



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