August 2024



T wo of Texarkana’s very own are participating in the 2024 Paris Olympics this year, which is truly mind-blowing! The talent and drive these two young athletes must possess, to earn a place in the most prestigious athletic competitions in the world, is hard to fathom. They always make it look easy, but we all know it’s not. Jarrion Lawson is a sprinter and long jumper, and Joscelyn Roberson is a gymnast who has been training alongside SIMONE BILES! It is the coolest thing that these two amazing athletes hail from Texarkana. I hope they know how proud all of us in the Texarkana community are of them! It’s no secret that I’m not much of a sportsperson. In elementary school, my mom took me to basketball tryouts. When we finally got in the car to go home, she very lovingly told me I didn’t have to play if I didn’t want to. And trust me, I did not want to. If I were to be in the Olympics, it would be for the longest time getting ready in the mornings or a honey butter chicken biscuit eating contest. Those are the events where I would shine.

People always told me that I could have been a basketball player with my size and stature (I’m 6'3''). My younger brothers’ lives were completely ingrained in sports growing up. It was woven into their DNA. I sat through ball game after ball game, dreading each one. Fast forward to adulthood, and I remember crying at Parker’s last high school basketball game. I could not believe none of us would ever step foot in another high school to watch him play again. Just like that, time thieves like only time can thieve. As I’ve mentioned before, my interests have always been in pop culture, music, and entertainment. I’m too busy to take on any more hobbies—learning guitar has kept me busy enough. Life is so much about expressing your individuality and finding things you can commit your time to—things you love, enjoy learning more about, and have a natural passion for. I grew up in Texarkana, a town that revolves around sports and Friday Night Lights. While I have a deep love and affection for that hometown feeling Friday night football games provide, I’d much rather

be at the movies than a football game. I asked my brother at a football game once what inning the game was in. Yes, you read that right. So, let’s take a moment to imagine the Olympics with events tailored for people like me. The longest time getting ready (for a male) competition would be fierce, but I think I could take home the gold. I’d also dominate in a honey butter chicken biscuit eating contest—seriously, someone needs to make that an official event. The mental and physical preparation would be intense. Can’t you imagine the commentators analyzing my biscuit-eating strategy or my pre-event skincare routine? Now, that’s something I would tune in for! But in all seriousness, I deeply admire athletes like Jarrion and Joscelyn. Their dedication, hard work, and passion for their sports are truly inspiring. Even though I’m not a sports fanatic, I can appreciate the determination and effort it takes to reach such a high level of achievement. That they come from our small town of Texarkana makes it even more special. It’s like seeing



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