August 2024


Feeling lost or confused trying to understand your teens? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. With unfamiliar words constantly emerging from music, the internet, apps, and celebrities, as well as regional slang, keeping up with the latest teen slang is nearly impossible. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost when listening to your children or grandchildren speak, and it can get even more confusing when you read their social media posts and hashtags. Use this guide as a reference to stay up-to-date with what’s popular right now and decode what teens are saying. TEEN SLANG

Done— To be completely over a task, person, emotion, or situation.

Boi— An alternate spelling of “boy” often used in text messages or on social media.

ICYMI— In case you missed it.

Bet— A response word meaning “OK! For sure. All right.”

Caught in 4K— To catch someone in the act with undeniable proof, usually online.

No cap— You’re telling the truth; basically, “no lie.”

Gucci— All good.

Bussin’— Extremely good, typically used to describe food.

NGL— Not gonna lie.

Cap— You’re lying. That’s not true.

Pressed— Being annoyed by something.

Sip tea— Mind one’s own business. Usually, it means you don’t want to get involved in the drama, but you have no problem watching it from the sidelines while comfortably sipping tea. Spilling the tea— Telling someone the gossip.

Glow up— When someone becomes more attractive.

Drip— Refers to a really cool outfit or item of clothing.

Receipts— Proof of something,

like texts or screenshots

Whip— A slang term for car.

Left on read— When you text someone, and they read it without responding.

Rizz— Your ability to flirt and effortlessly charm guys or girls.

RN— Right now.

Boo’d or Booed up— Being in a romantic relationship.

TBF— To be fair.


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