and por t ioned. By chewing your food thoroughly, you won’ t feel as i f you have to eat as much.
Phys i ca l therapy t r e a tme n t s c a n h e l p i m p r o v e your hea l t h , bu t they onl y work i f you apply heal thy l ifestyle choices in your everyday l i fe, as wel l . Some t ips you can do on your own to become heal thier, stronger, and more act ive include: 1. Taking care of aches and pains. Don’t let these long- term problems l inger. Contact us for professional help today.
5. Drinking more water. Water keeps your body systems funct ioning at an opt imum level .
6. Breathing! Work on your deep breathing in order to increase your oxygen intake and get your lymphatic system moving. 7. Getting enough sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is best to get into a rout ine where you are going to bed and waking up on a regular cycle. This helps your endocr ine system. Are you looking for assistance wi th increasing your heal th, strength, and physical act ivi ty? Our team at Reddy Care would love to help you l ive your highest qual i ty of l i fe.
2. Limiting your sitting. Get up every 30 minutes to walk around at work and home.
3. Getting out and moving. Exercise regularly, even if i t ’s just taking a shor t walk every day.
Contact us today to begin your new chapter toward becoming a healthier you!
4. Maintaining a nutritious diet and control l ing portions. Make sure your food intake is nutri t ious
C OV I D - 1 9 PAT I E N T S D I S C H A R G E D I N D E C L I N I N G S H A P E
WE R E G O I N G L I V E !
With early hospital focus on containing virus exposure and managing pat ient overf low, about 40% of pat ients never had a rehabi l i tat ion evaluat ion. Near l y 20% of pat ients lost so much abi l i ty f rom COVID-19 that they were not able to l ive independently after thei r hospi tal discharge. Reddy Care has created a post-Covid-19 rehabilitation program to help anyone that has suffered Covid-19 and experienced a decl ine in function.
Every week, members of our team wi l l be going l ive on Facebook so you can meet our staff and see our advanced technology!
Source: www.heal ly-hal f- hospi tal ized-covid-19-pat ients-discharged-decl ining-shape
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