King's Business - 1951-05




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M A I L TH I S C O U P O N T O D A Y W I T H O U T F A I L ! AM ER ICAN BIBLE SOC IETY 4 5 0 Park A ven ue, N ew Y ork 2 2 , N. Y . Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-34 entitled “ A Gift That Lives.” Name ................ ....... ........... .................................... ................... ......... Address ................................................................................ 5 ................. City ............................................. ................................................... Zone. State ........................................................................................................

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

¡R e a c tio n


“ Bereaved Christian” Thank you for that article . . . my husband and I both wept as we read it for if one of us were to go to be with the Lord, we would just be desolate! Christians love each other so much more than worldly folk. They are joined body, soul and spirit, and have the same aims and destiny. I always wish and pray that we may still be here together when our Lord comes, but we must always say: “ Thy will be done.” M b s . R obert E . M illard Portland, Ore. Helpful for Missionary Programs We are in our second year of sub­ scribing for The King’s Business. You might be surprised to hear, though, that we don’t read it; we DEVOUR it. It is just grand, couldn’t be any better, and so instructive! I am able to use much of the material in my missionary group. M r . a n d M r s . J a m e s M . C l a r k Spokane, Wash. Wears It Out We do enjoy The King’s Business. I’ll be sending you some more subscriptions soon. My copies are pretty badly worn by the time it is passed around, and I finally mail it to New Mexico. M r s . C ar l F au b io n Sacramento, Calif. Biela Family Circle May God richly bless the ministry of The King’s Business throughout the world. When it comes, we nearly always turn first to Biola Family Circle. We would be glad for prayer that many people in this area may be won for Christ. G eorge H . E k d a h l Sucre, Bolivia, South America Kind Words from a Shut-In I am a shut-in and I go months when I cannot get to a church ten miles away so that will partly tell you why The King’s Business is a must to me. I love it because it is fundamental and Bible- believing people are writing for it, giv­ ing us the true Word in a plain, under­ standable way. May God bless each and everyone of you for your great work for our Lord. M r s . M orris D a y Hanover, Mont. Doesn’t Like Us There are things I do not understand about your magazine. You put on a Christian front. You don’t say what church you are working for. . . . You put in ads that look like Joe Stalin propaganda. . . . Why are you working against the Christian churches? No, thank you, I don’t want your magazine. I don’t happen to like the Stalin way. L il y C o n a n t

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1951, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Vol. 42 May, 195T No. 5 Reader Reaction ..................................................................................... 3 Editorially Speaking ............................................................................. 4 Dr. Talbot’s Question B o x ..................................................................... 6 Adventuring for Christ in the Andes, Travel D ia ry .......................... 7 Men of Adullam, Edgar Reibetanz ....................................................... 10 Where Did the Ancients Secure Their Scientific Knowledge? Harry Rimmer ............................................................. 11 Biola Family C ir cle .......... ............... 13 Junior King’s Business: The Little Black Horse, Doris Coffin A ld rich ......................................................................... 14 Poem, A Solitary W a y ........................................................................... 15 The Bible in the News, William W. O r r .............................................. 16 Book Reviews, Donald G. D a v is ........................................................... 17 Miscellanea .......................................................................................... 18 The Press and the Christian W o rld ..................................................... 19 Evangelizing the Jews........................................................................... 22 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. Wilson ............................................ 24 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .............. 27 Object Lessons, Elmer L. W ild er ....................................... 33 Picture Credits : Cover, Ewing Galloway —launderette, South American way. P. 8— Pan American Airways System; p. 9— J. Russell Davis, Los Angeles, Calif. ; p. 10— Kenneth Esselstrum, La Crescenta, Calif. ; p. 14— Adeline Gordon, Los Angeles, Calif. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “The King’s Business” is published monthly; $2.00, one year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs, of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—-Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or poet office money order payable to “The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— “The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1988, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538. P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 18, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Page Three

Stayton, Oregon M A Y , 1 9 5 1

No Substitute for Blood With our country very bomb-con­ scious, a great deal of research is being done on the subject of what to do in case of an atomic bomb attack. Cities have undertaken im­ munization programs, and school children are currently being drilled in the prone position they are to as­ sume in case the terror strikes. One of the most vexing questions con­ cerns the matter of adequate supplies of additional blood for transfusions. It is estimated that if an atomic bomb should hit one of our large cities, while there would be a fright­ ful toll of death, the lives of perhaps a hundred thousand injured might be \saved by prompt transfusion of blood, blood plasma, or acceptable plasma substitutes. With things as they are today there is not nearly enough blood or plasma to go around. So our medical scientists have been frantically searching for something comparable to blood which could be injected into the veins of those who were suddenly stricken in order to prevent the inevitable shock and re­ store circulation. Of course, it has been made known for a long time that simple saline or glucose solutions are helpful in small quantities. Other substitutes such as gelatin, dextran and polyvinyl pyr- rolidone, a synthetic made from ace­ tylene, do the job to some extent, but none are plentiful or entirely satisfactory. The new idea of using okra has been advanced and it seems to fit some of the needs. However, the problem is that there is no way to substitute for blood. The blood itself contains many delicate chemicals each of which fills some indispensable need of the body. Liv­ ing cells of the blood cannot be du­ plicated and if there has been serious bleeding, the patient needs not only the fluid but a restoration of cells. In short, there is no substitute for real blood, and there is no chance of making whole blood artificially. It cannot be disputed that this is one of the most serious problems fac­ ing our own country and every other country today. The effects of atomic warfare are no longer in the theo­ retical stage. Hiroshima and Naga­ saki have provided ample illustrations to furnish indisputable evidence as to the frightful effects following a bomb explosion. The only answer seems to be that of blood donations. Yet this is not a complete answer because of our inability to preserve whole blood over any length o f time. We do not propose any solution. It is a terrific problem.

stances all down through the years, “What is the answer to the present distress and tribulation?” Here the writer, under marvelous divine in­ spiration, sets forth the value of faith as God’s appointed weapon. In the magnificent eleventh chapter, faith is shown to be the sword by which all Old Testament worthies achieved their success. Faith is the complete answer to every need. In fact, faith is the absolute indispensable characteristic in the Christian life. In verse six is the categorical statement: “ Without faith it is impossible to please him.” A further exposition of the ques­ tion of faith is given by precept and by example, by precept in verse one, and by example throughout the elev­ enth chapter. Faith is that quality which Abel used to make his offering acceptable to God. Faith—that char­ acteristic in the life of godly Enoch which caused him to be translated that he should not see death. Faith produced Noah’s incentive and cour­ age as, in the face of a mocking world, he built an ark for the salvation of his house. Faith is the shining star of Abraham’s life who is called in Scripture, “ the friend of God.” So the chapter proceeds and never ends. After listing the great heroes of faith, the writer of the Hebrews de­ clares that “ That they without us should not be made perfect.” God’s records go on from verse 40 ad in­ finitum. Do we please God today? Do our lives measure up to His standards? Well then, here is the way they may. It is by the exercise of that same incomparable quality, faith. Faith is believing God, believing what God says is true. Reaching out beyond the pale of human sight, taking hold of God’s hand there, and finding it a definite reality. Faith, Faith, Faith! In this day may God make us war­ riors of faith! Read Hebrews!

What God Calls Important T HE more one becomes acquainted with the Scriptures, the more he is impressed with the fact that in this treasury of truth there is the full and complete answer to every problem in human life. What is needed, there­ fore, is a thorough acquaintance with the Bible in order to round out one’s spiritual life. The book of Hebrews perhaps more than any other book in the New Tes­ tament is a logical thesis designed to answer the great problem of life’s vicissitudes. The author of the book wrote to a group of early Hebrew Christians who, under the stress of persecution and privation, were being tempted to turn back to the religion of their forefathers, which religion God had set aside for a time. Conse­ quently this form of worship had be­ come but an empty shell. However, at this time the temple was still stand­ ing and the rituals, statutes and ordi­ nances of Judaism were still being observed. The divine and convincing answer, of course, as outlined in Hebrews is that Christ, by His death on Cal­ vary’s cross, rendered obsolete all the Old Testament ordinances and sacri­ fices. The real truth of the matter was that the entire fabric of the law in all its particulars merely pointed forward to the coming of Christ for its fulfillment. All these Old Testa­ ment symbols were merely types and shadows of the reality which was to be found in Christ. The character­ istics and incidents of the Old Testa­ ment had value only as they antici­ pated their fulfillment in the person and work of Christ. All this being true, the question could still be asked of those early suffering Hebrew Christians and all Christians who are in similar circum­

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found in the apathetic attitude of this generation and the past one toward the Scriptures and the teaching of godly principles in homes, schools and churches. These things being left out of early training, weak character re­ sults, and if we bemoan the break­ down of moral conscience, the fault has been our own, we are not con­ sistent. But all is not lost. Let us return to the principles of godliness. Let us return to the study of the Scriptures; let us go back to the genuine worship of America’s God through the. Son whom He has sent. To that people which contritely acknowledge their sin and unrighteousness there is real pardon, cleansing and restoration. Let us be consistent. It is God who has made America great and it is only God who can keep America great! New Dictionary A new dictionary of 20,000 “ for­ eign” (non-Russian) words and phrases issued by the Soviet State Publishing House defines Religion as: "A fantastic faith in gods, angels and spirits . . . a faith without any sci­ entific foundations. Religion is being supported and maintained by the reactionary circles. It serves for the subjugation of the working people and for building up the power of the exploiting bourgeois classes . . . The superstition of outlived religion has been surmounted by the Communist education of the working class . . . and by its deep knowledge of the scientifically profound teachings of Marx-Leninism.” The new Soviet definition of Bible: “ A collection of fantastic legends without any scien­ tific support . . . full of dark hints, historical mistakes and contradic­ tions.” FORTHCOMING FEATURES The June and July issues of The King’s Business will contain many new articles of interest. In addition to a further account of the mission­ ary journey of the editor in chief, and the scientific articles by Dr. Rim- mer, there will be the story of the Kentucky Mountain Mission, the Biola Commencement address by Dr. Thomas Moseley, and outstanding Bible expositions. Our readers can­ not afford to miss a single issue.

and many people have gasped at the frightful dishonesty which has been uncovered. Along with this there is the usual exhibition of murder, theft and crime on the local and national scene which constantly fills our news­ papers. It is high time that the people of our land were aroused to do something about the moral breakdown arid the inevitable wages of sin. Some have already risen up in righteous indignation and demanded that some­ thing be done, laws passed or com­ mittees appointed to do away with the possibility of such criminality. But oh, what a necessity for con­ sistent thinking there is here! For instance, we are offended beyond measure at great crimes and accident statistics which indisputably have their origin in the free sale of liquor. Yet throughout the length and breadth of our land the liquor admin­ istration boards allow this liquid poison to be sold almost on every street corner. Our radio shows and television programs are more and more being filled with liquor adver­ tising and it is an utter impossibility to drive five miles along any highway and not see scores of billboards call­ ing attention to the various “ delight­ ful” properties, of this or that liquor. Or take the matter of our increas­ ing sex' crimes. The consciousness of our people has really been shocked by the bold, ruthless and utter vile acts which are perpetrated by the so-called degenerates of today. We should be concerned over this moral cesspool. But, on the other hand, let us be con­ sistent. There is in our country today a veritable flood of disgusting litera­ ture. One need not look beyond his own local magazine stand to see scores and scores of periodicals which openly flaunt the breakdown of anything which is morally right. In railroad and bus stations, almost everywhere you look, there are stacks of small books with cover pictures suggestive in the extreme. Even our “ best sell­ ers” seem never to attain that place unless they are highly spiced with immoral situations. Let us be con­ sistent here. We can’t sow this sort of seed and not reap a harvest of de­ generacy. We might go on. Our educators decry a lack of moral uprightness. Young people do not seem to have strength of character today. They can be bought for a price. People in high offices and low, work only for their pay check without any attempt to live by the standards and ideals of right citizenship. But again there is a reason for all of this. The reason is

We cannot, however, leave the sub­ ject without making a spiritual ap­ plication. As there is no substitute for human blood for the saving of natural life, so there is no substitute for the precious efficacious blood of the Son of God for the salvation of the soul. The analogy is not hard to see. Substitutes by the score are con­ stantly being offered for God’s way: good works, a new life, charitable en­ terprises, benevolent giving, denial of life’s facts, a syrupy sweet philos­ ophy and many others. The substi­ tutes offered for salvation today con­ tain grains of truth, else they would not be acceptable at all, yet they can in no wise ever fulfill God’s require­ ment which is that “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Contrary to the dilemma of natu­ ral blood supply, the sacrificial blood of the Son of God is in full availabil­ ity. There is no lack, ample quanti­ ties are available for the sins of a whole world and no one who ever applies will be turned down. Nor are we lacking in examples for the cen­ turies offer cases without number, multitudes of whom have been blasted by the effects of sin and who have known complete restoration and new life as a result of the application of the precious blood of Christ. Highest In the World If it were possible to set 20 gal­ lons of whiskey, wine and beer before every man, woman and child in the United States, that would be approxi­ mately the amount of alcoholic bever­ ages Americans will consume this year. This is, according to Mrs. D. Leigh Colvin, President of the Wom­ an’s Christian Temperance Union, the highest per capita rate in all the world. There is, however, a slight straw in the temperance wind, with consumption in 1949 tapering off a lit­ tle bit over the previous exceptionally heavy years. This could be due to the number of converts in religious re­ vival activities in our land. Oh, Consistency! The country is being currently rocked by the expose of graft, cor­ ruption and double-dealing in high places. In the recent Congressional Committee investigation the scandal has mounted to terrific proportions

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the gifts of prophecy and of superna­ tural knowledge. The apostles were given supernatural wisdom, in order that they might write the New Testa­ ment, even as all prophecy came from God. But let us remember the words of Paul: “Whether there be prophe­ cies, they shall fa il; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge [supernatural knowledge], it shall vanish away” (1 Cor. 13:8). In the beginning of the Christian era, before men had the full revelation of God’s will, as set forth in His complete, written Word, He worked in supernatural ways to con­ vince sinners of the claims of Christ. While the New Testament was being written, He worked miracles through the apostles. But God’s Word was com­ plete when John wrote the twenty-sec­ ond chapter of Revelation on the Isle of Patmos. And when that which is perfect is come, Paul said, then that which is in part shall be done away (1 Cor. 13:10). This verse refers to the complete revelation of God and the passing of t e m p o r a r y gifts, which include tongues and supernatural knowledge. At the time Paul wrote Corinthians, the New Testament was in the process of formation; and therefore the gift of tongues was still in the church. In First Corinthians 14, he gives instruc­ tions concerning how this gift was to be exercised. You will please note that special instructions were given to women to remain silent in the as­ sembly. It would seem that in the Corinthian Church the women were prominent in the 'tongues movement, even as they are today. There is not an intimation in the New Testament that a woman was ever given this gift; for in First Corinthians the in­ structions are to “ him,” never to “ her.” But in reading such instructions in First Corinthians 14, ever bear in mind what Paul says in chapter 13, that tongues would vanish away. When? When that which is perfect is come. In other words, now that we have the full, complete, perfect revela­ tion of God, there is no need for this then temporary gift. We have the whole Bible and the unerring Holy Spirit to teach us all these things in an orderly, sane, dignified way, becom­ ing to the child of God who bears the wonderful name of Christ. Let us not drag that name down to confusion and shame. For emphasis, let me repeat: The descent of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost was accompanied by mir­ acles, in order to show to all men that (Continued on Page 18) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


ing love (Jer. 31:3). And again, in Ephesians 2:1 we read that even when we were dead in trespasses and sins, He loved us, and died to redeem us. All through the eternal ages there will be an unfolding of the marvels of His Person and of His love and grace. The recent home-going of many great preachers whom I have known makes Heaven seem very real to me. Will we know each other there? Yes. We know One whom we are going to recognize in Heaven. The divine truth concerning this blessed reality and glorious experience is found in First John 3:2, which says, “ Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” Here we learn that we shall be like Him, and that we shall see Him as He is. Also some have used the trans­ figuration experience of Christ, as recorded in Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; and Luke 9:26-28 as proof that we shall recognize one another when we reach Heaven in our glorified bodies. The argument presented is that the three disciples on the mount of transfiguration recognized Moses and Elijah. Moses represented the dead in Christ who shall be raised; Elijah represented those who will re­ main until the rapture and be called away to Heaven without dying. Sure­ ly there seems to be some support here for this teaching. Others quote First Corinthians 13:12, which reads “ For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” Their ar­ gument is that this Scripture declares we shall know one another when we are in our glorified bodies. Many ques­ tions are asked in this connection, but where the Scriptures are silent, we must be silent also. Why do you say that speaking in tongues is not for this age? Those who claim that speaking in tongues is an evidence of the baptism of the Spirit overlook the plain teach­ ing of Paul, that the gift of tongues was only a temporary gift, as were

Why did God look with favor upon Abel’s offering, and with disfavor upon that of his brother, Cain? How could Cain know what kind of an of­ fering to bring if God did not tell him? (See Gen. Jjffl 5.) God did tell him. Abel, his brother, knew the kind of offering to bring, and he brought it. Cain also knew, but he refused to bring it. “ By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sac­ rifice than Cain” (Heb. 11:4). Faith is taking God at His Word. Cain is the type of the natural man, who refuses to believe in vicarious suffering. But you may ask, How did he know what offering to bring ? Why, from his parents, Adam and Eve. They would surely relate to their sons the story of the fall, and how God had made clear that sin carried with it a penalty to be atoned for only by the shedding of blood. They would tell their children that the only approach to God was by faith in the promised Redeemer (Gen. 3:15). But God also told Cain to bring the animal sacrifice. Read Genesis 4:5-7: “ But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.” In the Hebrew the same word is used for sin and sin-offering. Thus Cain’s sin is here identified with the sin-offering— the animal sacrifice—that crouched at his tent door. In spite of God’s explicit exhorta­ tion, to say nothing of what Adam and Eve without doubt had taught Cain, even then Cain deliberately went out and killed his brother because of envy and jealousy. This shows that his heart was untouched by God’s exhor­ tation. The hardest, meanest man in the world is the self-righteous man, of whom Cain is a type. Why is it so hard for us to under­ stand the love of Christ ? We shall never fully understand or fathom that love. There are state­ ments in the Word of God concerning the love of God that stagger u s su ch as, I have loved thee with an everlast-

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Adventuring for Christ in the Andes Travel Diary o f Dr. Talbot and Mr. Davis

O N SUNDAY, March 18th, our Editor in Chief, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, accompanied by the Assistant Busi­ ness Manager of the Bible Institute, Mr. J. Russell Davis, started on a two-months’ missionary journey into the jungles of South America, for the purpose of making an investigation of the work carried on by graduates of the school, and of photographing their work. This is the first report and others will follow.

had with us, but after some discussion with the help of the excellent translation of Mr. Ray Zuercher (Biola ’46), we were allowed to take out our film. We spent the next few hours with Mr. Zuercher being taken through the routine of police registration, onward reservations for next week via Avianca (the Colombian division of Pan American), and other necessary formalities of entering a foreign country. At about four in the afternoon we drove out to Pal­ mira, about 45 kilometers from Cali, where we were wel­ comed at the Instituto Biblico of the Gospel Missionary Union, where Ray and Carol Zuercher are working. Here we met a fine group of missionaries, had dinner with them, and spent several hours discussing conditions of missionary work here. They call for much prayer from our friends at home, so we cannot wait until we return to tell you about them. For the past few years the power of the government has been vested entirely in the Cath­ olic Church, and they are using every bit of the vast power they wield to stamp out evangelical work. This power extends into every field of life so that a man can­ not live or die without the sanction of the Church. Mar­ riages must be performed by the priest, babies must be baptized by the priest, children cannot go to school unless they attend confessional and mass in the Church, the dead cannot be buried except on holy ground that has been consecrated by the priest. Into every other function and activity of life the power of the Church and the priest are wielded over the lives of these unfortunate people. The persecution against those who stand out against this system is very severe. Beatings are common, death for Christ’s sake is on the increase, and many means are used to attempt to force the evangelicals to re­ turn to the Church. Churches have been burned, evan­ gelists have been beaten and killed, believers have been persecuted, and all this is done at the instigation of the priests who use liberal supplies of hard liquor to get their gangs drunk enough to go out and commit these crimes! Wednesday, March 21 , 1951 Up early this morning and off to Popoyan, a very fa­ mous town to the south of us that is the destination of thousands of pilgrims who flock there for the special Holy Week festivities. After a most interesting drive through the country and up into the Andes mountains, we arrived in Popoyan in the late afternoon. As we had hotel accom­ modations, we went right to the hotel to get cleaned up, only to find that they knew nothing about our reserva­ tions. When shown our telegram to them, and their reply to us, the manager assured us that someone at the tele­ graph office would be fired for sending a cable to us with­ out the hotel having sent it! The town was crowded to overflowing, but finally the half-drunken manager of the hotel said he would put us up at his “ country estate” for the night. We went with him and found that it consisted of a small house about a mile from town with a few empty rooms. He did have cots put in for us, so we had a place to sleep anyway. After dinner at the hotel, we visited the Catholic Col­ lege of Priests to get some accurate information about the ceremonies. We found that there would be no day-

Monday, March 19, 1951 We’re on our way at last! Our American Airlines Flagship got away from Los Angeles International Air­ port at 12:40 a.m. We have said goodbye to our families and the faithful friends that stayed up to this dreadful hour to bid us Godspeed. It was a fine smooth flight to Dallas, where we arrived early in the morning. We were met by a few friends and relatives who knew we were passing through, and spent a half hour with them. It was a surprise to have Evangelist Tom M. Olson there to meet us with the others. Soon we were on our way again, and a few hours later stopped at Birmingham, Alabama, where it was cold and rainy. Still later it was colder and raining harder at Atlanta, Georgia. We were held up two hours there, but we finally got away for Jacksonville, Florida, and then on to Miami, Florida. It was cold and rainy all of the way. So this is the Sunny South! After a short stop of two hours in Miami, we were again away to Panama on a giant DC-6, of the Pan American World Airways. Again we had a fine smooth flight, and arrived in Panama shortly after midnight. The first day of our trip is gone, and we have covered about four thousand miles. What a change from the old days when missionaries took weeks for the same trip! Tuesday, March 20 , 1951 We were called early at the beautiful modern Hotel Panama for the half-hour ride to Tucomen Airport, where we soon were aboard a DC-3 of the Panagra division of Pan American and flying off to the south for our first glimpse of Colombia, the Gateway to South America. After a beautiful flight over the northern end of the great Andes range, we arrived at the city of Cali located in the heart of the beautiful Valley of the Cauca, and surrounded on all sides by peaks of the Andes. Customs officials were a bit doubtful about the amount of film we

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time processions at all, but as there was one that night, we accepted their very kind invitation to photograph it from the balcony of the College overlooking the street below. We had a wonderful view, and it was a never-to- be-forgotten sight. Our only regret was that it was so poorly lighted that we could not get as much of the won­ derful color and glamour of it in the pictures as we would have liked to. As thousands of people lined the streets in respectful silence, the great procession wound its way through the streets, flanked by several thousand school children, carrying long candles. These children marched along the two curbs, holding back the crowds, and giving some light for the procession. Images of the Apostles, Mary Magdalene, Christ, the Crucifixion, and in the most prominent position, the Vir­ gin Mary, were carried on the shoulders of groups of men. Between the images were dignitaries of the Church, groups of singers and bands playing. The great proces­ sion took hours to pass our position, and all this time the crowds stood in respectful silence, or knelt when the Vir­ gin went by. It was a sight we shall never forget as long as we live. The terrible hold this system has on the peo­ ple of this land has made on our hearts an indelible im­ pression. Our second day in South America has been a busy one, and we have seen sights that have made it well worth­ while to travel these thousands of miles. We will have a real missionary message to bring back to you at home.

With our arrangements completed, we returned to Pal­ mira in time for a great gospel service in the Evangeli­ cal Church. After seeing all of the pomp and ceremony of Catholic processions and idolatry of their worship, it was a real joy to sit again in a gospel chapel and hear the wonderful gospel message proclaimed in all of its simplic­ ity and power. A fine group of around two hundred and fifty met in this service. We both said a few words of greeting by means of the excellent interpretation of Mr. Wm. Schillingsberg, the Director of the Institute Biblico. The pleasure of this country’s Christians at meeting us warmed our hearts. We realized anew the wonderful bond of love that binds us to all those in every land who know and love our Lord. After the service we again discussed conditions with the missionary group, and were amazed at the terrible idolatry, ignorance, illiteracy and illegitimacy that pre­ vail among the people here. Under the leadership of the Catholic Church, schools have been closed, and the coun­ try has retrogressed as far as education and the welfare of the people are concerned. Moral conditions are so bad that it is estimated that more than half of the children born in this land are illegitimate. A local doctor told a missionary that in his circle of friends he could not count more than two men who were living faithful to their own wives! What a terrible indictment of the system that has power over lives, but no power to enable men to live! Good Friday, March 23 , 1951 We drove in to Cali in the early morning and went right to the Seminary of San Francisco, where we were welcomed with open arms by the priests. As we wanted to get pictures for you folks at home we took all their kindness just as it was offered, but we knew their desire was to have their ceremonies shown to the world for the glory of the Catholic Church. As it was their two hun­ dredth anniversary, and as it had never been photo­ graphed before, they surely did everything to help us out. First we were taken up to the balcony of the Semi­ nary, where the camera was set up right beside the an­ nouncer with a mike who was making the announcements to the vast crowd below. He even announced to the peo­ ple that photographers had come all the way from the United States to take pictures of their famous celebra­ tions, so everyone was to behave and to do nothing that would not look well in the pictures. These announcements were repeated many times throughout the day along the route of march. As soon as we were on the balcony and ready to go, the images were carried out of the Church across the street as the crowd knelt in respectful silence. The procession formed, and with thousands of people forming in the line of march, and with a military escort in attendance, it moved down the street toward the plaza of the city. The priests rushed us across town, and again we took up our stand on the balcony of the Hotel Europa, and had a won­ derful view of the procession as it came to the Cathedral of San Pedro, and was joined by other thousands who had been waiting there for it. In solemn procession they filed by us, walking a few paces, kneeling to join in prayers said in unison, rising to go a few more paces, and then repeating this idolatrous worship over and over again. In all that solemnity, it was a bit of comic relief to see a small boy kneeling before the image of the Vir­ gin and eating an ice cream cone as he worshipped! When the images of Christ on the Cross and of the Virgin Mary had gone by, we again rushed back to the Seminary of San Francisco to see the return of the images to the Church there. Again we were set up on the T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Air view of Bogota, Colombia, one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Thursday, March 22 , 1951 As there were to be no daytime processions in Popoyan, we decided to look for some place that would have one, so we could get good color pictures of this wonderful sight. After much inquiry, we found that no one seemed to know for sure where there would be one, so we decided to go back to Cali to make inquiries there. Driving back to Cali, we were amazed at the great number of images of the Virgin Mary along the route. Every town had a large image, and many homes had small ones. If they could not afford an image of the Virgin, they erected a simple wooden cross. We saw a few images of Christ, but the great majority were of the Virgin. In Cali we found a very helpful Catholic priest again, who told us that the very next day, Good Friday, was the two hundredth anniversary of the Seminary of San Fran­ cisco, so they were having a great daytime procession to celebrate. He promised to meet us tomorrow at the en­ trance of the Seminary and to get us a place on the bal­ cony, where we would have a good view of the procession. Page Eight

hundreds of years ago by an Indian woman. It was very small, but when she took it home she insisted that it grew larger. After awhile it got so large that she could not keep it in her humble home, so sent for the priests to take it to the Church. There it grew until it reached its present size. It is said to have performed many miracles of healing and other wonderful things. We also visited a Mission school for girls and the Evan­ gelical Church in Buga. Work in this very fanatical town is difficult. Only a few days ago the priests incited a gang of boys to throw stones at the missionaries, but when they came to do so, the boys in the neighborhood of the Mission got together and drove them away. These neighborhood boys are not Christians, but they respect the good work the Mission is doing. We enjoyed our fel­ lowship with the faithful missionaries who are carrying on for the Lord in the midst of real difficulties. Easter Sunday, March 25 , 1951 What a blessed contrast this day was to the past days of this week! All that we have seen of hopeless idolatry and ignorant superstition only makes the blessed privi­ lege of worshipping our Risen Lord with this group of believers all the more precious. Very little, if anything, is made of the resurrection in this land, but to this group of believers the presence of the Risen Lord was a very real thing. After a very active Sunday School, which met at 8:30, we joined with about 300 Christians in a wonder­ ful Easter service at 9 :30. At that early hour, they were all gathered in their places, and we sang together of the joy that was ours in the Risen Lord. Dr. Talbot had the privilege of speaking at this service, and as the message went out in English and Spanish, we were all blessed in the realization of the meaning of the coming into this world of the Saviour, of His death for us, and of His resurrection. In the afternoon groups went out from the church for country evangelistic work. In the evening there was another great gospel service, when about 300 folks gath­ ered in the chapel. In view of the opposition and perse­ cution they are enduring, it is a modern miracle to see the wonderful response there has been to the gospel here. Thus ends our first week of Adventuring for Christ in the Andes. It has been the most wonderful week we have ever known. Our hearts burn within us as we think of the great privilege that has been ours. We have been conscious of your prayers so continue to remem­ ber us before the throne of grace as we leave for Vene­ zuela, then into the Brazilian jungles.

Picture of Catholic procession in Cali by Mr. Davis. Note image of Virgin Mary. balcony and soon the procession came in view again. What a sight! As far as the eye could reach, it was a solid sea of faces, and it made our hearts sad as we saw them kneel and rise, and kneel and rise again many times over, all the time reciting their ritual in the praise of the Virgin. After the procession had passed, and all the images were back in the Church, the priests took us over there to see them and other wonderful things of which they were very proud. The most famous of these was the image of the Miraculous Virgin, which dated back to around 1500 A.D., when it was said to have been found by Indians. Since then it is supposed to have disappeared several times, and always to have returned in a miracu­ lous manner. It is of solid stone, encrusted with gold. Many of the worshippers in the Church were angry that we were allowed to see this image, as they themselves are not permitted to see it during Holy Week. We went back to the Seminary and the priests insisted that we have coffee with them, and then have our pictures taken together. We took still shots of them and movies of them greeting us in a really enthusiastic manner. After the pictures a friend who had been very helpful to us, Sr. Don Oscar Fredrico Mejia Mejia, and a local busi­ ness man, took us to dinner at a good hotel. As we sat down to the table they asked if we were Catholics, and when we said we were not, they ordered, “ Three meat and two fish,” as it was Good Friday!! We got back to Palmira in time for another wonderful gospel service. These Christians who are suffering so much themselves for the faith’s sake, were very in­ terested in conditions in China in relation to Christian work, and we spent time in prayer with them for their suffering brethren in China. Surely we at home should pray more for these faithful Christians. Saturday, March 24, 1951 Spent the morning getting films ready to mail home, but found we could not mail them from here, so we will take them with us to some place where we can mail them. We also found that our flight to Bogota on Monday is cancelled, but we can go Tuesday. This should give us time to get a report written up for the good friends at home who are praying for us on this trip. In the afternoon we drove to a famous and fanatical city called Buga. Here we saw and photographed the second largest Church in all Colombia, the home of the Milagrosa, or the Miraculous Christ. It is claimed that this magnificent image of Christ on the cross was found

Image of Christ in procession. Picture by J. Russell Davis.

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By Edgar F. Reibetanz*

His character became saturated with the cloudy oil of bitterness and jeal­ ousy. The inevitable followed—the weakness of the head was reflected in the body. The nation took upon itself a national character of bitter­ ness and strife. Morale declined to depths hitherto unknown among the people. As a consequence, Israel be­ came a prey for the surrounding na­ tions, and invasion and attack were common things. During the course of his career, Saul was instructed of God to de­ stroy the Amalekites—to destroy com­ pletely all of them and their posses­ sions. Saul failed to do this, not be­ cause of any lack of ability or mili­ tary strength, but through sheer dis­ obedience. He decided, on his own, to save and retain unto himself those things which were best among the Amalekites. As a result, God rejected him as the king of Israel— “ For re­ bellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as idolatry and teraphim. Because thou has rejected the word of Jehovah, he hath also re­ jected thee from being king” (1 Sam. 15:23 R.V.). It was then that the Lord directed Samuel to visit the house of Jesse, the Bethlehemite, there to anoint God’s chosen one to be king over Israel. When David appeared before the prophet, the voice of God came to Samuel, saying, “ Arise, anoint him; for this is he.” The remainder of the story is fa­ miliar to the reader. David was brought to the court of Saul, and his exploits became the talk of the people. Outstanding among his deeds was, of course, the acceptance of the challenge of the giant Goliath, and we recall how he slew the champion of the Philistines and caused their armies to flee. Other exploits followed, and he proved to be the hero of the nation. “ And it came to pass as they came, when David returned from the slaugh­ ter of the Philistine, that the women came out of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet king Saul, with timbrels, with joy, and (Continued on Page 20)

S CRIPTURE makes it unmistakably clear that there is a link between the Christ of the New Testament and the shepherd king of the Old Testament. Prophecy indicates that one will come who will sit upon the throne of David, there to rule in righteousness. History reveals that the Christ came of the seed of David, after the flesh. Thus prophecy and history join hands to establish the link between the second king and the Last Adam. But there is also the link in type. Even when we bear in mind that typol­ ogy can be carried to untenable ex­ tremes—and remembering that any earthly type must of necessity have within it certain weaknesses and de­ fects which cannot be carried over into the heavenly reality—even so we cannot overlook the typical relation­ ship between David and Jesus the Christ. It has been pointed out, with the clarity of brevity, that David was a shepherd before he was king. He was anointed of God for his kingly posi­ tion, then rejected. Because he was anointed of God, he became the sub­ ject of persecution. During the period of his rejection, he consummated a union with one other than his own people; he married a Gentile wife. And ultimately he sat upon the throne of Israel, there to rule righteously and prosperously. If we can keep the weakness of the earthly type in the background and look at the broad relationships, then we are ready to see an incident in the experience of King David which seems to bring forth a truth that has the value of immediate applica­ tion. This is his experience in the cave o f Adullam. •Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Muscatine, Iowa.

It appears that because of the per­ sonalities involved in this particular phase of the life of David, many people have come to use the phrase “ the cave of Adullam” to describe the meeting place of all groups or asso­ ciations of discontented men, men who are perverse in soul and mind. I once knew a group of Christian men who sensed grave difficulties in an organization in which they were in­ terested, and they came together to pray about it. The place of their meet­ ing was referred to as “ the cave of Adullam.” People who hold this idea would be greatly profited were they to study the story of Adullam with a bit more care. If open minds were employed, I am of the opinion that they would be amazed to discover how wrong they are. Let us look at the story in the record of the first and second kings of Israel. The King Anointed Our readers are familiar with the story of Saul coming to the throne as the first king of Israel. The people clamored for a king, that they might be like the nations around them. God, in His patience and forbearance, granted their request and singled out Saul for the post ."? This Benjamite, son of Kish, came to the throne with tremendous promise. A man mighty in stature, one who gave evidence of mental and physical prowess, stirred the hopes of his people. After the first wave of enthusiasm had subsided, there came the reaction which follows inevitably in the wake of a weakling. The light of promise became dim, and finally was snuffed out altogether. This man Saul, who had so much upon which to build, became a man of evasiveness, of indecision, of intrigue.

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W h e re Did The Ancients Secure Their Scientific Knowledge?

Reproduced by permission from the book T h e H a r m o n y o f S c ie n c e a n d S c r ip t u r e Copyright by Research Science Bureau, Inc.

Fourth in a Series of Articles by Harry Rimmer, Sc. D.

C ENTURIES upon centuries be­ fore Christ was born, multiply­ ing themselves into a thousand years, the writer of Ecclesiastes wrote, “All the rivers run into the sea, and yet the sea is not full. Unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.” Of course, many men have pondered this problem. All the rivers do run into the sea, yet the sea is not full. Have you ever thought that through? Every year the continents and islands of this earth pour down into the ocean a stupendous volume of water. Let the reader contemplate, for just a moment, a cubic mile of water. That would be a lake a mile long, a mile wide, and a mile deep. The stupen­ dous weight of a cubic mile of water would stagger the imagination of man, yet every year the land pours into the sea more than 286,000 cubic miles of water. For century upon cen­ tury and millennium after millennium, this has been going on, and the sea has not increased its level by so much as one inch. How is this? We call it the cycle of evaporation and precipitation. The writer of Ec­ clesiastes said that the ocean main­ tains its level in spite of this stu­ pendous annual influx, because the rivers go back to the place from whence they came. Indeed, they do. As the hurrying, singing, cheerful beads of water go slipping down the toboggan slide of the mountain slope, they hasten impatiently to sea. There they climb upon the Creator’s elevator of evaporation, to form themselves into fleecy clouds of H 2 O dust and ride back to the head of their tobog­ gan slide, there to begin their happy, tumbling journey over again. In the modern science of meteorol­ ogy all of this is understood and its

of exaggeration when we said scores, for there are in the Word of God literally scores of these anticipations of our so-called science. There have been various attempts by interested students of the Scrip­ ture to show here and there in the ancient prophecies an indication of the fact that men would some day take to themselves wings like a bird and cleave their way through the air. We would not add to the far-fetched and strained interpretations of Scrip­ ture, but there seems to be one place at least where the modern phenome­ non of flight was anticipated by the prophetic Scripture. In the sixtieth chapter of Isaiah, verse eight, we read, “Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?” This common ren­ dition of the King James version is perhaps not as clear as some of the more literal translations of the Scrip­ ture. It may be just a trifle more specific if this ambiguous passage were translated: “Who are these that fly in air through a cloud and settle as doves to their windows?” It is utterly impossible for any modern man to say who was the first of our race to dream of the possibility and prospect of flying. There are legends and traditions going far back into a mossy antiquity that carry this long frustrated hope of the human heart. It may even be that as Adam basked on a grassy slope in Eden’s garden, watching the birds glide from tree to tree and soar high into the cerulean vault, he also said in his heart, “ I wish that I could do that.” At any rate, Isaiah has anticipated by the spirit of prophecy the fulfill­ ment of that great hope. If Isaiah were alive today and were to express this question, namely, “Who are these Page Eleven

laws are comprehended. Modern sci­ ence has fathomed the mystery of this cycle. How did the writer of Ecclesiastes find it out? Again, the casual reader says, “ Coincidence.” This reminds us that some years ago there was an Irishman who did not believe in miracles. The parish priest was much concerned with the infidelity of his parishioner, and sought to reason with him as to the reality of the miraculous. The priest opened the conversation by saying, “Now, Pat, you don’t believe in mir­ acles; but supposing that on Monday morning as you were carrying the hod to the tenth story of a great building, at just ten o’clock you slipped and fell and landed on your head on the sidewalk so far below. If you arose utterly unhurt, wouldn’t that be a miracle?” “No,” said Pat, with a shake of his head, “ that would be an accident.” The priest smiled and said, “ All right, that is an accident. But sup­ posing the second morning at the same hour of ten o’clock you fell from the same place and again struck the sidewalk, to arise uninjured, wouldn’t that be a miracle?” The Irishman pondered a moment and then said, “No, sir, that would be a coincidence.” Pressing the attack, the priest said, “ All right, now we have an accident and a coincidence. But suppose it happened again a third morning. Wouldn’t that be a miracle?” With a twinkle in his eye, the Irishman said, “ By that time it would be a habit.” We would be willing to concede six or eight or a dozen of these coinci­ dences, but when they begin to multi­ ply and number scores, some other explanation must be found. And we have not spoken with any semblance

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