King's Business - 1951-05

A SOLITARY WAY r T'' HERE is a mystery in human hearts, And though we be encircled by a host Of those who love us well, and are beloved, To every one of us, from time to time, There comes a sense of utter lone­ liness. Our dearest friend is “ stranger” to our joy And cannot realize our bitterness; “ There is not one who really under­ stands, Not one to enter into all I feel” ; Such is the cry of each of us in turn, We wander in a “ solitary way,” No matter what or where our lot may be; Each heart, mysterious even to itself, Must live its inner life in solitude. A ND would you know the reason why this is? It is because the Lord desires our love. In every heart He wishes to be first. He therefore keeps the secret key Himself, To open all its chambers, and to bless With perfect sympathy and holy peace, Each solitary soul which comes to Him. So when we feel this loneliness it is The voice of Jesus saying, “ Come to Me,” And every time we are “ not under­ stood,” It is a call to us to come again; For CHRIST alone can satisfy the soul, And those who walk with Him from day to day Can never have a “ solitary way.” S O when beneath some heavy cross you faint, And say, “ I cannot bear this load alone,” You say the truth—Christ made it purposely So heavy that you must return to Him. The bitter grief which “no one under­ stands,” Conveys a secret message from the King, Entreating you to come to Him again. The Man of Sorrows understands it well, In all points tempted He can feel with you. You cannot come too often, or too near, The Son of God is infinite in grace. His presence satisfies the longing soul, And those who walk with Him from day to day Can never have a “ solitary way.” Author Unknown

G O D ’ S P R O P H E T I C P L A N A BIBLE STUDY COURSE By George Derr Beckwith, Litt. D. “The book is invaluable, easy to understand.” The Moody Monthly

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.15 Address George D. Beckwith, Box 9 3 , Elizabethtown, Pa.

PRAY FOR NEEDY HEBREW CHRISTIANS Our missionary writes, “ There are several Hebrew Christian families to whom a special gift would mean a great deal. I have in mind the S. family who was baptized. They have come over from Austria via England to Montreal. They have a hard time settling down. There are two other families who are struggling along. Can you render any financial assistance to these worthy Hebrew Christian families?” Appeals come to our desk for needy Hebrew Christians at home and abroad. If God leads you to share in this work, mail your gift to the Interdenominational Jewish Missionary Society o f North America, Inc. North Side Branch, P. O. Box 34 In Canada—Dr. Norman Gore, Treasurer ATLANTA 5, GA. 3125 Maplewood Avenue, MONTREAL, Canada EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: W. F. Talley, Esq., President; H. M. Hope, Esq., Vice-President; J. J. Timlin, Esq., Treasurer; Rev. Paul L. Berman—Rev. Norman Gore, Secretaries; Rev. Oscar R. Lowry, D.D.; Rev. A. J. Lindsay, D.D.; Rev. J. H. McComb, D.D. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Rev. L. Sperry Chafer, Litt. D .; Rev. G. Allan Fleece, D.D., Rev. Robert M. Evans, D.D., Rev. E. Harrison, D.D., Ph.D., Rev. Norman B. Harrison, D.D., Rudolph C. Logefeil, M.D., Rev. J. Vernon McGee, D.D., Rev. William McLeister II, Daniel Rose, Esq., Rev. S. Soltau, D.D.'

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1 to r fu ll in form ation . 1 t o D .P t . K AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION * 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.

MAY, 1951

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