prove the tremendous appeal of well- executed religious broadcasts.
Skeptical Over the Weather
Although there have been many claims that eventually man will be able to control the weather, the Weather Bureau’s response is still: “ You will have to show us.” Assist ant Director W. F. McDonald points out that a great number of people are engaged in wishful thinking. He declares, “ The Bureau feels that it is still too early to try to define what can or cannot be done in this field and that, a great deal more work is necessary before sound conclusions can be formed.” Several recent experiments in the field of weather making have proven almost disastrous for the territory involved. 300 Year Term <* Billy Cook, recently convicted of the murder of five members of the Mosser family, was sentenced to five 60-year terms, or a total of 300 years. There is little doubt that this killer has escaped the electric chair but will not escape a life sentence. Very little sympathy has developed for this un fortunate youth; public sentiment supports the verdict. As a lesson arising from this event, what a tragedy that at the Judg ment Bar of Almighty God men and women must be sentenced not only to 300 years, but to an eternity of tor ment and anguish simply because they will not accept the pardon that God offers on the basis of the substi tutionary work of His Son. Valuable Book <*• Scribner’s Sons announce a rare find in a nearly perfect edition of the Bible printed by Johann Gutenberg 500 years ago. This book was dis covered in an English home. It brings the total number of known copies of this edition up to 46. The last sale of a Gutenberg Bible in the United States was 1926 when it brought $106,000.00. This Bible will bring much more on today’s market. This is not the true value of this unique book. Even a 25c copy of the Holy Bible from the dime store, has within its paper covers the priceless story of forgiveness and life ever lasting. “ Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Scientists Banned <** Recently the practice of Chris tian Science in Communist East Ger many has been banned. The offices and meeting places of Christian Sci entists were closed and arrests have been threatened unless all members
| Rating Up <** The radio voice of the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles is “ The Bible Institute Hour” a thrice - weekly broadcast released over the full facil ities of the Don Lee Mutual Broad casting System. Forty-six stations in five states broadcast the “ Hour” at 8 :30 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. A companion pro gram, “ The Haven of Rest” is broad cast on alternate days at the same time. In a recent survey these two pro grams showed the highest listening audience of any religious program on the Pacific Coast, with a potential of more than 150,000 families for each program. These programs compare very favorably with many of the top- notch commercial shows released dur ing the day time. Eisenhower and Beer ■s* In a recent appearance before the Senate Armed Services Commit tee, General Eisenhower stated that the American fighting men were call ing for Coca Cola and not for the traditional “ beer, beer, beer, that makes you feel so queer.” The Gen eral cited a poll he took of American troops after World War II landing in Italy and reported: “ Instead of beer, they wanted Coca Cola, which was easy, because we could import the syrup and make it ourselves.” Many American parents would feel better about having their sons drafted if they could be assured that the boys would have soft drinks and no beer. The sale of beer is in the in terest of brewers and not in the in terest of building up morale in the armed services. Nearly a Billion «** The highest profit of any corpo ration in all the world was recently reported, as more than $830,000,000 earned during 1950 by General Mo tors Corporation. This was made pos sible by an unusually high level of business and a record demand on the part of the consumer. In connection with this, the net income amounted to over 11% of sales. This reflects the awe-inspiring magnitude of Ameri can business. Never in all history has a nation had such prodigious produc tive capacity. The danger is that the American people will be too enam ored of what they can produce rather than careful of the culture of their hearts and souls.
and leaders cease activities at once. No reason is given in the news dis patch which came over the wires of the Associated Press, but it is pre sumed that Christian Science is out of harmony with the principles of Communism. It will be remembered that in 1941 Christian Science was forbidden by Hitler’s Gestapo and many adherents were thrown into concentration camps. Revival b y Mail •s* What is said to be the most dar ing attempt in American religious journalism was recently announced by Evangelist Rice of Wheaton, Illi nois. The plan is to sponsor a gigan tic “ Revival Campaign by Mail” dur ing the spring months of this year. The outline of the campaign shows a three-fold objective: (1) To get peo ple saved through Gospel sermons printed in Dr. Rice’s publication, The Sword of the Lord; (2) to stimulate Christians in active soul-winning; and (3) to pledge Christians to spe cial prayer for their unsaved loved ones. In 1950 nearly % million copies of Dr. Rice’s tract “What Must I Do to be Saved?” were printed and dis tributed in Japan alone. One of America’s popular radio programs is the “ Town Meeting of the Air.” In a recent broadcast, Billy Graham discussed with Dr. Ralph W. Sockman the question. “ Do We Need the Old-Time Religion?” The mail response to this broadcast was the highest in the program’s history, with more than 20,000 letters reported in the three weeks following the pro gram. This shows clearly the interest of the American people in religious subjects. For a long time broadcast ers have regarded indifferently the radio appeal of religion claiming that very few people are interested. But the polls repeatedly and consistently 20/000 Letters
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