King's Business - 1951-05

IN AME R I CAN B I BL E S OC I E T Y A N N U I T Y A G R E E M E N T S FOR ★ Security ★ Safety ★ Savings ★ Satisfaction You get a STEADY INCOME that begins immediately, never varies, is guaranteed for life, and pays as high as 7%. You get the SAFETY of larger-than-legal reserve funds — supervision by a great bank— annual audits by a leading accountancy firm—and the Society’s record of unfailing pay­ ments for more than 100 years. You get DEDUCTIONS from certain income taxes, sav­ ings in investment expense, time, worry. There’s nothing to look after. You get PEACE OF MIND from having a gilt-edged investment—in a vital Christian enterprise, the world-wide distribution of the Bible “ without note or comment.” Send for FREE booklet, “ A Gift That Lives” which tells how you can give and receive generously at the same time.


I T icca 1951 DVBS TEACHER'S | AND DIRECTOR'S r n r r | HANDBOOK . . . F n t C Soar to new heights in your Vacation Bible School this year—"Ceiling Unlimited” shows you how. Covers your DVBS flight in seven logical steps...Includes a brand new section o f director’s helps, with tips on general theme, closing program, etc. This 48-page book also gives you full information on the course that's COMPLETE to the last detail — VACATION SCHOOL LESSONS More than a m illion teachers and pupils every year testify to the many fine features o f ALL- BIBLE VACATION SCHOOL lessons. But the one thing that j t y c t f PLEASE RUSH TO ME____ FREE J I copies of the 1951 DVBS book of ideas, | I "Ceiling Unlimited" by Bernice T. Cory. | i | Name ■ ■■ .............................. I St. and No ■■ I City —Zone-------- State ■ * I GET THIS BOOK FROM YOUR FAVORITE DEALER OR I ^ SOUTH WABASH, CHICAGO 5, ILL DEBT. KBS-51 Q c K ip f u K e ]C 'y ~ e s ^ r I | I t everyone praises most is expressed in that phrase "complete to the last detail."

M A I L TH I S C O U P O N T O D A Y W I T H O U T F A I L ! AM ER ICAN BIBLE SOC IETY 4 5 0 Park A ven ue, N ew Y ork 2 2 , N. Y . Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-34 entitled “ A Gift That Lives.” Name ................ ....... ........... .................................... ................... ......... Address ................................................................................ 5 ................. City ............................................. ................................................... Zone. State ........................................................................................................

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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