King's Business - 1951-05

revelry. Liquor does not lead one to associate with Christians hut rather with those who serve Satan. In the tavern plans are developed to rob a bank, kidnap some beautiful child and hold it for ransom, or lure some at­ tractive girl for wicked purposes. In the tavern men gamble and try to outdo one another by cheating and wickedness. The liquor dealer is a lawbreaker and he permits lawless­ ness and augments it by the mixtures which he offers his patrons to drink. Liquor Wrecks the Body Alcohol sears the stomach and fills the body with poisons which injure the liver, the heart, the stomach, and the brain. Liquor takes its toll of the tissues of the body. It dulls the think­ ing processes and warps the reason­ ing powers. It requires full homage from those who drink it. If a pig once gets drunk, it will never again touch liquor even if it is placed before it. Men and women are worse, for one spree of drunkenness only en­ courages them to have more of simi­ lar experiences while the family at home suffers for lack of the neces­ sities of life. Liquor Costs Much Liquor is the most expensive of all the drinks. Its devotees eare little for the price. They are not disturbed by the great expense incurred by the habit. Those who drink are perfectly willing to spend their last penny to obtain the brand they want even though the family at home is without food, clothing, and fuel. Liquor de­ mands money and time. The hours that are spent ih the tavern are wasted hours. The money that is spent in the tavern is suicidal money. The one who drinks commits slow suicide of body, soul, and spirit. June 10, 1951 GAMBLING CHEATS YOUTH Deut. 5:21; Luke 12:15; 1 These. 4:11,12; John 5:17 Gambling is another insidious sin that frequently starts on the play­ ground with playing marbles “ for keeps.” It is augmented by the penny ante games in the home. The wicked­ ness of it is veneered when the chil­ dren see prominent church members playing cards for prizes. They see advertisements in the newspapers about the horses that win and the dogs that win. They read of great sums paid in lotteries and are in­ trigued by the possibility of getting rich quick.

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Prov. 23:29-32; Eph. 5:18; 1 Pet, 4:1-5 Liquor and sin are twins. When liquor comes in, peace and godliness go out. When the cry for liquor is lifted, the life starts downward at a headlong pace. The saloon bar is well- named. It is a bar to Heaven and a door to hell. Liquor fosters every sin known to humanity. Liquor curses the body, fills cemeteries, wrecks homes, destroys love, and blights all that it touches. Liquor is insidious in its work. It is like Aesop’s camel-fit invites its dupes to taste, knowing full well they soon will be in complete obedience to its power. Liquor Arouses Passion Every evil passion of a man’s heart and mind is aroused when he is under the influence of liquor. He' becomes bitter, cruel, relentless. He cares nothing for the property or the per­ son of another. He loses his sense of right and wrong and becomes insen­ sible to the counsel of others. He loses his moral standing and cares nothing for the law of God or the laws of man. He loses the value of money and throws it away lavishly when he should take it home to the wife and children. He loses respon­ sibility and becomes a beast. Liquor Makes Evil Companions Saloons are places where the wicked gather to tell their filthy jokes and spend their hard-earned money in

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