King's Business - 1951-05

June 17, 1951 DRUGS ENSLAVE YOUTH John 8:34; Rom. 6:16-23 The lure for excitement and for an “ unusual feeling” attracts hearts and minds toward those drugs which pro­ duce unusually pleasant symptoms in the body. A desire and a demand is created for those drugs. This in turn attracts those who desire to obtain riches easily and without labor. Thus men become drug peddlers and deal­ ers in narcotics. This is a tremendous business carried on throughout the United States and is wrecking and ruining thousands of our young peo­ ple as well as older ones. Only the grace of God can conquer it. Only the preaching of the gospel can counter­ act it. Only the‘ power of the Holy Spirit can cure it. Marijuana The use of this weed has increased greatly in the past few years. It is a rather common weed which grows al­ most everywhere and therefore is eas­ ily obtainable. It is made into the form of cigarettes and is peddled around high schools, colleges, theaters, and other places where young people congregate. The smoke is easily as­ similated and enters the blood stream almost unchanged. The results are tragic. The results are also quite varied. There is an exhilaration that comes as well as a transformed view­ point so that cruelty, murder, may­ hem, and vicious forms of sin become attractive and desirable to the person under the influence of this drug. Morphine and Opium These drugs do not excite the imag­ ination as does marijuana. These deaden sensibilities and create a feel­ ing of luscious ease as though one were floating around on a cloud with no cares of any kind. These drugs have a disastrous and destructive ef­ fect upon the tissues of the body. They dull the mind and wreck the

Gambling Forms Expensive Habits When once the gambling instinct gets a toehold in the soul, the mind becomes warped and the daily life is filled with seeking opportunities to gamble. There are people who wager on even the trivial things of life. The principal gambling games which are attended by huge numbers and are supported by tremendous sums of money include horse racing, dog rac­ ing, baseball, poker and other card games, slot machines, spirit medium meetings, and many other schemes. The huge profits made by the gam­ blers attract the mind with the hope of obtaining great riches easily. Gambling Robs the Family In many divorce suits, gambling is brought in as evidence of the prin­ cipal cause of trouble in the home. The husband will stop at the tavern after receiving his pay envelope, with the hope of doubling his pay but he loses most of it and goes home to a sorrowing wife and children with a story of the loss but with full con­ fidence that next time he will be the winner. The children cry from hunger, the wife is ashamed to appear in pub­ lic in her old clothes, creditors besiege the front door for payment, and sor­ row fills that home where there should be sunshine and blessing. Gambling Leads to Worse Sins Most of the gang murders of our country are instigated by gamblers. It is said that the one who was killed had tried to “ muscle in” on some gambling racket connected with lot­ teries, slot machines or other gam­ bling devices. Murder follows the gambler. He must be forging lies constantly, both in regard to his earn­ ings and his disposal of them. Pro­ fanity accompanies gambling. The gambler loves lewd stories and evil women. He wrecks his own life and the lives of those to whom he should be a blessing. Gambling Produces Law Breaking The gambler is never seen carry­ ing a Bible or kneeling in prayer or expressing any appreciation for the God who is so kind to him. He be­ comes one who evades and avoids the law and law-makers. He has no regard for God’s law. He cares nothing for social law. He is intent only on beat­ ing someone else in the game so that he may add wealth to his own re­ sources. He decides that it is quite legitimate to do all that he wishes to do and is interested only in escaping the clutches of the law.

CHURCH BULLET INS Large Assortment—Self Selection Lithographed—Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky.

Plan Your Vacation Now Ridgeview Park Bible Conference DERRY, PA. Inspiration, Vacation, Education and Recreation. Mrs. W. A. Sunday, E. Palmer, E. Braun, A. Payea, A. Banker, E. Williams, J. Young and many others. Write for Folder A. F. BANKER - 408 Oakland - Greensburg, Pa. July 15th to 29th

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LOW PRICES MA INTAINED For a limited time we can continue to furnish our sets of Bible Study and related subjects at the old price of FIFTY CENTS a set of 20 lessons each. Following is a list of what we have at these prices.

20 Lessons in Revelation 20 Lessons in Homiletics 20 Lessons in Evangelism 20 Lessons in Pastoral Work

20 Lessons in Genesis 20 Lessons in Exodus 20 Lessons in Leviticus 20 Lessons in Numbers 20 Lessons in Deuteronomy 20 Lessons in Matthew 20 Lessons in John

20 Lessons in Personal Evangelism 20 Lessons in History and Prophecy 20 Lessons in Sunday School Work When printing is exhausted prices will be advanced to $1 per set» UNION BIBLE SEM INARY , K B 1 , W estfield , Indiana

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