King's Business - 1951-05

the results of sin. However, when the new life from God through the Lord Jesus enters the soul, then the whole principle of living changes. The Spirit of God begins to direct the. thought and the actions to bring glory to God and to reflect in some measure the life of God in the soul and heart. This change is called the new birth. There Must Be a Change Toward Men Acts 24:16 The Scripture is true which says, All seek their own. Men are in busi­ ness to make money out of others. Pleasures are provided to get money out of others. Goods are manufactured to get money out of people. Unfortu­ nately religious enterprises are often designed and produced for the person­ al gain and profit of some denomina­ tion or its leader. Men become the victims of religious vultures in many cases. When Christ becomes the Lord of the life, men are willing to serve others without thought of personal gain. The life of Christ is manifest in the soul and He laid down His life for others. There Must Be a Change Toward the Law 1 Pet. 1:14 The heart is naturally opposed to any restraining laws that would hin­ der the individual in exercising free­ dom regardless of the results. It is not natural for man to enjoy the lord- ship of others. He would like to be the master of his own affairs without restriction or restraint. The entrance of the Holy Spirit into the life fol­ lowing the cleansing effect of the Lord Jesus produces in the heart a de­ sire for obedience. Men accept Christ Jesus as their Lord and thereby give up their own independent spirit and wish to be controlled and directed by another ruler. Thus the law becomes honorable to the believer. There Must Be a Change Within the Soul 1 Pet. 1:23 Those who receive the Lord Jesus Christ become new creatures in Christ Jesus with new desires, new hopes, new ambitions, new visions, and new intentions. The old rebellious spirit becomes subject to the new sovereign Spirit of the Lord. There are new de­ sires created in the soul toward God and toward His service. The spirit of the saved person loves to be subject to the Holy Spirit of Christ. There is a deep longing in the soul and heart to please the God who has saved him. There are holy ambitions created to be the greatest possible blessing to the church of God and to the lost world that needs the Saviour so badly.

power to think and to concentrate. They create an utter indifference to responsibility and to the daily cares of life. The body builds up a tremen­ dous desire for them so that money loses its value if the drug may be obtained. No sacrifice is too great for the user to make to secure these drugs. Cocaine Cocaine is more of an anesthetic to the body though it is ranked as a narcotic. It dulls and deadens the sensibilities but when the addict finds it difficult to obtain, he becomes very wild and untamable and must be re­ strained forcibly. The craving that arises in the body for this terrible drug becomes irresistible and all val­ ues of human life and property dis­ appear. The drug is obtained by every hook and crook. The cocaine-user knows nothing about honesty or purity. Heroin This strange drug is quite popular with those who buy and sell in the illegal market. The profits are huge. The use of it is disastrous. This drug has a marked effect both upon the heart and the nervous system. It pro­ duces an unbalanced mind, a listless­ ness, and a carelessness which is seen in every movement of the addict. It produces a craving in the system which makes the person utterly indif­ ferent to the call of the home or the business or the church or even his own health. Heroin-users are difficult to handle because they become so ir­ responsible in regard to the every-day living responsibilities. Only Christ can heal this addict. June 24, 1951 MEETING CHANGING PATTERNS OF CONDUCT Rom. 12:1-8 The world is constantly changing. The Lord said about it, “ The world passeth away and the lust thereof . . . ” How true this is! Ways of eat­ ing and ways of dressing are always altering. Methods of communication and transportation are not long un­ changed. God’s gospel remains un­ changed because man and his sinful heart remain unchanged. The princi­ ple that guides in sinful living re­ mains the same even though the meth­ od of expressing it does change. There Must Be a Change Toward God Acts 20:21 When men turn “ every one to his own way,” it is not the way that leads to God. Men invent religions and de­ sign religious programs all with the purpose of exalting man and avoiding

Are you troubled about it? What can be done about it? What are others doing about it? Write to COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL MISSIONS o f the Bible Presbyterian Synod Box 947 Wilmington, Delaware

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