King's Business - 1951-05

which the Lord Jesus would do upon earth. He was to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, to preach recovering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty those who had been bruised. When God’s Son closed the book and returned it to the one who had brought it to Him to read, every one in the congregation was closely watch­ ing Him. How surprised they were to hear the Saviour say, “ This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears” ! Some said, “ Is not this Jos­ eph’s son?” The Lord Jesus told them that He could not do in their city the many mighty works which He had done in Capernaum because of their unbelief. He reminded them that only one of the many widows in the day of Elijah was fed by God, for only she had the faith which God required for His blessing. Of the many lepers in the land, only one was healed by God. When the people heard these words, they became exceedingly angry and cast Jesus out of their city, and led Him to the edge of a hill that they might throw Him down into the valley below and kill Him. Suddenly Jesus disappeared from their midst. What joy and blessing these friends and rel­ atives of God’s Son missed by refus­ ing to believe that He was the Son of God! What a difference there is be­ tween the people of Nazareth and those in other cities where we read that, “ Jesus went about all the cities

of grace is wrapped up in these won­ derful words! Man’s salvation is all of God. Christ even seeks the sinner. The sinner does not seek Christ. Then, having found him, the Lord deals with the sinner’s sin and brings him into a right relationship with Heaven. Christ the Ransom for Man’s This is the key verse of Mark. It tells plainly why Jesus the mighty Servant of Jehovah came among men. It was not to receive the honor and acclaim of men. It was to minister to man’s need and since man’s greatest need was for redemption He supplied the price of that redemption. The word ransom suggests a price paid for release from bondage. The life of Christ poured out at Calvary became the all-sufficient ransom for man’s full redemption. No wonder Peter speaks of that crimson flow as “ the precious blood of Christ” (1 Pet. 1:18, 19). Christ the Gift of God’s Love John 3:16 These words scarcely need com­ ment; they need to be believed. In them we see God’s greatest love man­ ifested to the end that men may have eternal life. Herein we have the meas­ ure of God’s love—“ so loved” ; its ob­ ject —“ the world” ; its channel —“ his only begotten Son” ; its availability— “whosoever believeth” ; and the re­ sult of its acceptance—“ everlasting life.” Have you let the mission of Christ operate in your life? Redemption Mark 10:45 Memory Verse: “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people” (Matt. 9:35). Twice after the Lord Jesus Christ began His public ministry, He re­ turned to His home town of Naza­ reth. One of these times was soon after His temptation in the wilderness by Satan. Upon the Sabbath day, God’s Son went into the synagogue to wor­ ship. Each Sabbath day someone was asked to read the Scriptures to those who had gathered for worship. This day, the Lord Jesus was asked to read from God’s Word. When Jesus was given the book of Isaiah to read, He opened to the place where the Holy Spirit had caused Isaiah to tell of Jesus’ work when He took a human form and came to the earth to become man’s Saviour. The verses are found in Isaiah 61:1,2. These two verses give a brief pattern of the work Helps for the Children Jesus in Nazareth Luke 4:16-30

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Jews everywhere._____________________________ I N T E R N A T I O N A L B O A R P.0. Box 1256, Atlanta 1,.Georgia

MAY, 1951

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